Cassidy (Big Sky Dreams 1)
were almost at the livery. Trace took care of the horse and buggy while Cassidy waited for him out front. It was light enough to walk on her own, but it was nice to be seen to her door.
    "All set?" she asked.
    "Yes, ma'am."
    "Thanks for always doing that."
    "You're welcome. Don't forget that fabric," Trace remembered to add.
    Cassidy ran upstairs to get it as soon as they arrived, and when she handed it to Trace, he fingered it in his free hand.
    "It is nice fabric."
    Cassidy smiled at him and couldn't resist one more tease. "Let's hope Brad likes it too. We wouldn't want there to be yet another thing you're different about."
    Trace tried to scowl at her, but his smile peeked through. "Goodnight, Mr. Holden," Cassidy said with evident satisfaction.
    "Goodnight, Miss Norton," Trace bid softly, still wanting to laugh.
    Cassidy slipped up the stairs and didn't look back. Had she looked, she would have found Trace watching her all the way inside.
    CASSIDY LOOKED INTO THE FACEof the five-year-old in her lap
    and tried not to laugh. Heidi Vick was telling her a story about her new puppy, and some words came easier than others. Her brother, Franklin, caught part of the tale and, being two years older, sat at Cassidy's side to help out.
    "He's supposed to sleep outside," Franklin elaborated, "but he cries, so Papa lets him in Heidi's room."
    "That's nice for the puppy."
    "Buster," Heidi corrected.
    "I like that name," Cassidy told her, suddenly realizing how much she wanted children of her own.
    "He's going to be big," Franklin added. "Papa says."
    "Big as me," Heidi put in.
    "That's big," Cassidy said and smiled gently at the little girl. Heidi smiled shyly in response, and Cassidy's heart melted.
    "Cassie, did you have some supper?" the children's mother came over to ask.
    "I'm getting there, thanks, Miranda. Maybe the kids and I will go together."
    Miranda smiled at her children, who clearly liked this idea, and
    59without further discussion the four of them headed toward the buffet supper that Jeanette, Heather, and Becky had prepared. Fourteen people had gathered to celebrate Meg Holden's twenty-fourth birthday, and once Brad had prayed for the meal, folks were left to visit or eat as they pleased. Cake and presents were planned for later.
    "I'll sit by you, Miss Cassidy," Franklin said when they had their plates.
    "Oh, Franklin, I'm glad."
    "Me too," Heidi said, her mother carrying her plate.
    And the children did sit near her, but they were busy with their food, and the women had a chance to talk.
    "How are you feeling?" Cassidy asked Miranda, who was due about a month after Meg.
    "I'm still sick in the morning, but that's normal for me." "I thought that just lasted a few weeks or months."
    "I think it does for most women. I know Meg felt fine fairly soon."
    "And how about labor? Is it harder for you because of that, or doesn't it make a difference?"
    "My labor goes pretty fast. I hadn't thought about whether that was tied into sickness or not. I'll have to think on that."
    Cassidy nodded, quite taken with the topic, but Miranda looked up and laughed. Her husband, Chas, was trying to go through the buffet line. Parker, the youngest Vick, was perched on one arm, clearly not going anywhere, making it a bit hard.
    "He's been so clingy lately," Miranda explained. "Chãs gets home, and he's all Parker wants."
    "We're having a girl," Heidi announced out of the blue. "You are?" Cassidy asked.
    "Then it's even," she said with complete logic, and Cassidy had to put her napkin to her mouth to cover her smile.
    "It's very clear to her," Miranda said softly. "We keep explaining that God might have other ideas, but she sees it only one way."
    60"And then after the baby's born," Cassidy said, "it's a problem either way, isn't it?"
    Miranda's eyes got a bit large. "I hadn't thought of that. If it's a boy, we'll have some explaining to do. If it's a girl, she'll assume that even is how God does things."
    The women had a good laugh over

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