Cast in Ice

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Book: Cast in Ice by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
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“I’d like to hire you, Nick.”
    Nick raised his eyebrows in question.
    “As you probably remember from the other night, I mentioned a business venture I’m considering. It involves the purchase of several clipper ships to bring tea from China at speeds unheard of before.”
    Nick nodded. “I’ve heard nothing but sterling reports concerning the speed that clippers can sail from the East to England. Are you concerned about the company building the ships?”
    His uncle shook his head. “Alexander Hall and Sons of Aberdeen is building the ships. No one builds finer clippers than James and William Hall.”
    “Then what do you want me to investigate?”
    “This needs to remain private,” Lord Rummery said.
    Nick gave his uncle a sharp nod. “You have my word.”
    “I need you to check out the other investors. There are four of us, and we are all required to put in a massive sum. We’ll double our investment after the ship makes its first run. Perhaps even triple it. Or, we could lose our investment if tragedy strikes, and the ship’s lost during its maiden voyage. Fire and weather are always concerns.”
    Lord Rummery reached for his glass of brandy and took another swallow. “I’m willing to take that risk. What I can’t afford, is for one of the investors to be unable to meet their obligation at the last minute, and the three remaining investors having to come up with more money. That would destroy me.”
    Nick looked at the serious expression on his uncle’s face and saw how important this was to him. “Who are the other investors?”
    “The Duke of Townsend, who I believe you know. And I’m not concerned with him, although I wouldn’t mind being reassured. Then there’s the Viscount Bainburn, Viscount Cavenaugh, and the Earl of Sundhern.”
    Nick sat back in his chair. “I’ll see what I can discover.”
    “Thank you, Nick. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. Especially with everything else that’s happening right now.”
    “Does this have something to do with Lizzy?” Nick asked, knowing that if they’d already covered any money concerns his uncle might have, his daughter was the only person who could cause such worry to show in his eyes.
    “Have you heard anything about Elizabeth?”
    “No, but your expression tells me that this is about her.”
    Lord Rummery breathed a heavy sigh. “I’ll wait until your aunt joins us to tell you what’s happened.”
    They didn’t have long to wait before his aunt, Lady Rummery, entered. One look at her pale features told Nick this was indeed bad.
    “Oh, Nicholas,” she cried, rushing toward him. “I’m so glad you’re here.” His aunt, who was usually so proper and reserved, latched onto him as if he was her safe harbor in a storm. She turned to her husband. “Have you told him, Walter?”
    “Not yet, Edith. We were waiting for you.”
    “Why don’t we sit, my lady,” Nick said, leading his aunt to the sofa. “Then you can explain what this is all about.”
    Nick sat beside his aunt and reached for her hands. They trembled in his grasp.
    “It’s Elizabeth,” Lord Rummery said. “She left sometime during the night and hasn’t returned home yet.”
    Nick’s heart began a steady racing in his chest. “When did you notice her gone?”
    “Her maid woke us early this morning when she noticed Elizabeth wasn’t in her room.”
    “Did she leave a note saying where she was going?”
    Lady Rummery shook her head, then reached for a handkerchief and dabbed at the tears spilling from her eyes. “Nothing. It’s as if she vanished. What if something’s happened to her, just like her friend Lady Jennifer Belden?”
    “Don’t think that, Edith. It will only upset you more.”
    Nick wasn’t sure how much more upset Lady Rummery could get. Even the pain in his uncle’s eyes wrenched Nick’s heart.
    “Are any of Lizzy’s clothes gone?”
    Lady Rummery shook her head. “The only piece missing is her cloak.”
    “How about money?

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