Chasing Joshua

Chasing Joshua by Cara North Page B

Book: Chasing Joshua by Cara North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara North
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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the peel as he took a bite of the banana.
    "Are you nuts?” Evelyn held the peel at a distance.
    "It works, I swear. My Nana used to do it when I got a shiner.” He took another bite and realized she was probably hungry, too. He held the rest of it out to her.
    Instead of taking it from him she stepped closer and bit it. That gave him images and thoughts he didn't want to see. She was a fragile little Bounty Hunter, not an object for lust. But damn when that lip was better, he might try to kiss it.
    Evelyn knew it was a bold move, but she felt better. She could see completely out of both eyes with no haze. Her ankle was stiff but no worse for the wear. After a couple of days, she would be training again. Right now, she wanted Joshua. Even if she couldn't convince him to let her seduce him, she wanted to be near him.
    "My, my, what big teeth you have.” Joshua had to break the silence. Her second bite almost hit his fingers, and that would be a little too much right now.
    "The better to bite you with.” Evelyn didn't give him a chance to withdraw his hand. She grabbed it and felt his fingers letting go of the last bite of banana as she consumed it.
    "Damn, woman.” Joshua took a step back. Ethan had warned him, the house did something to a man. He didn't believe it, but he did now. His senses were on full alert. His manhood was vying to get out of his shorts, and the man hater had turned into a man hunter. She looked at him with predatory eyes. He was known as the Big Dog, yet Evelyn looked like a wolf.
    "Did I nip you?” Evelyn licked her lips. They were still swollen but not by much. It wasn't a hard punch Nicolai threw and most of the bruising was on her chin and cheek. Her eye wasn't too bad either. With steady ice packs it had reduced a lot. She put the banana peel on her eye and said, “Argh."
    "Pirate, cute.” Joshua stepped back again. “Are you hungry?"
    "Yep.” Evelyn nodded and the banana peel slipped. Giving up on his Nana's old wives’ tale she tossed it in the trash. “Pizza?"
    "Good choice.” Joshua headed to the phone. Anything was good that could get him moving and away from her. “You have a preference?"
    "I don't eat anchovies.” Evelyn limped to the recliner and sat down. Pushing the handle she laid back. A huge sigh escaped her. She was relaxed. “I really like what you've done with the place."
    "Yes, I need a large pizza, extra anchovies."
    "Joshua!” Evelyn shouted.
    "Hello, yes, I'd like to order two large pizzas for delivery.” He smiled. It could be fun to have a woman around for a while. He could make some calls, get the mess straightened out. In the meantime he could enjoy some company. “Pepperoni and Pineapple. Hang on.” To Evelyn he said, “What do you want on yours?"
    "That's fine. I have never had pineapple on a pizza.” Evelyn shrugged. God, if anyone could see her now, they would just die. Never had she been so agreeable.
    "Two of those.” Joshua hung up after getting the total. “So, woman, what do you want to do while we wait for pizza?"
    "What do you want to do?” Evelyn's voice was thick with suggestion. She wanted to tie him up, tease him and let him tease her. No, she couldn't possibly want him to touch her. He had done enough of that already.
    "How about a movie?” Joshua squatted to see what DVDs he had. Some were his; some belonged to Grace. He talked while he looked through them, too many chick flicks. “Grace decorated before she moved. I moved in a few months later but didn't change anything. Huh."
    "Nothing, this one's blank. I wonder what's on it.” Curious by nature, he began flipping it in his hand.
    "Let's see.” Evelyn was curious, too. “It could be an old movie. Grace had tons of those when I was here before.” Dragging out this last part she said, “Come on."
    Joshua patted the case several times against his hand and then stood. “What the hell, it can't be anything too bad."
    "Probably an old movie, let's see."
    Joshua put the

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