Chasm Waxing: A Startup, Cyber-Thriller
the transparent workspaces in
her new employee orientation: “Our offices are representative of
the type of company culture we want to create at Gamification
Systems; honest, open, and elegant. Walls don’t exist in
this company . Communication is the key to our success. My door is always
open. If it’s not open, at least you can look in and see
    Today, however, she
regretted her glass office. She picked up a mirror and reapplied
her lipstick . Looking at her face she thought, I’ve aged five years in nine months . That’s worse than dog
years . Samantha worked 18 hour
    Even though she was
incredibly tired, in the last few months, she did more tossing
and turning than sleeping.
I f she wasn’t worried about making payroll
or finding investors, she was thinking about the upcoming demo with
Gecko Insurance. This was the gritty nature of startups that the media
typically glossed over when they cherry-picked their favorite
entrepreneurial success stories.
    Becca wrapped her knuckle
on the open glass door. She stuck her torso into Samantha’s office.
“Sam, you look beautiful.”
    “ Ugh. You’re just being sweet.
I look haggard. But thanks. Are you trying to win employee of the
month or something?”
    Becca smiled. “Hey, we’re
all going to get a bite to eat at 7:30. We can nosh on some wings and catch
a little of the Nats’ game. Do you want to join us?” ‘Nats’ was the
area nickname for the Washington Nationals baseball
    “ Oh, thanks for asking.
But I’ve got my board meeting tonight. Maybe Friday?”
    “ I forget. Yeah, that
sounds excellent. Good luck tonight, you’ll do great.”
    Becca was Samantha’s
favorite employee. She spotted Becca’s talent when they worked together at a government systems
integrator. Becca was hardworking and
bright. She reminded Samantha of a younger version of
    The CEO looked over the financial
statements one last time.
    Another term of the deal gave Defense Innovations the right to elect one board
member. When the financing closed, General Shields
was appointed to serve as that member. Boards were designed to
provide strategic leadership and governance to their companies.
CEOs usually worked at the behest of the board. This meant that the board could fire
CEOs . Three to five members was the most
typical configuration of the board for a startup of 100 employees or less.
    The two person, Gamification Systems’
board was a bit
non-standard. However, there had only been
a Series A round of investment. The board would grow in subsequent
funding rounds, as investors typically requested a board
    Samantha had pitched
Gamification to numerous other VCs. There was a high level of interest , but
investors had yet to offer a term sheet. Samantha was not
comfortable relying entirely on the Accelerator for the Series B
    Defense Innovations was not committed to providing any further funding to Gamification. Locating
investment capital would be much easier if Gamification just had
one referenceable client. Samantha hoped that a successful demo to
Gecko Insurance would lead to this outcome. But that was a long
shot. Samantha perceived that Gecko was just kicking the tires. She didn’t
feel there was any urgency on their part. They weren’t in a hurry
to close a deal. She needed money quickly.
    Samantha ran her fingers through her
hair and smoothed her skirt.

Chapter 10 – The Board Meeting
    6:30 p.m. (EDT), Monday, July 27, 2020
- Columbia, MD
    Suite 601, General
Shields’ Office, Defense Innovations Accelerator
    Samantha Powers and
General Shields sat close to each other at a cozy side table. In the middle
of the table was a new, Universal Secure Phone. A bottle of
Macallan 1928 single malt scotch rested next to the
    Samantha raised her glass to toast the
General and declared: “I officially commence this board meeting.”
The two snickered.
    “ Oh, this is good,” said
Samantha, elatedly.
    The General cackled.

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