Cheryl Cole: Her Story - the Unauthorized Biography
the show had a much more devious way of informing her about her good news. She was invited to appear on the ITV2 extra show, hosted by Dane Bowers, to ‘talk about her experience on the series’. Midway through the conversation on live TV, however, the former Another Level hunk broke the news that she was now in the running to land a place in the band. Nicola couldn’t believe the news and was in a ‘total state of shock’ that, after her initial disappointment, she had been given a second chance!
    So, with days to go before the live shows kicked off, a jubilant Nicola moved into the house and was immediately befriended by Cheryl. The pair of them were very similar, sharing the same sense of humour and a very ballsy forthright nature. In the house, they shared a bedroom with Aimee, and all three would chat about all sorts of things, such as boys and what they planned to do if they didn’t end up in the band. It was this close friendship that would give them the strength over the subsequent weeks to survive the tough live stages of the show.
    Although nerves were beginning to affect the girls, Cheryl was able to distract herself from the upcoming live shows by losing herself in Jacob, who despite his disappointment was making the extra effort to travel all the way down from Leicester to see her. Behind the producers’ backs, Cheryl would slip out of the mansion at night and go to meet her beau at a secret location where they could enjoy an evening together.
    Even though he knew that Cheryl only had eyes for Jacob,Jamie Shaw, who lived nearby with the rest of the male finalists, still couldn’t stop thinking about her. He’d even confessed to her that he liked her more than as a friend. Cheryl’s reaction was sweet and she told him she felt flattered but said that at sixteen he was too young for a woman of nineteen like her. He may have received the brush-off from Cheryl, but it still didn’t stop him from harbouring desires for her. ‘I knew she was out of my league,’ he remembers. ‘But I thought it was worth a try. She was just the most beautiful girl I had ever met.’
    Eventually, word got out to the papers that Cheryl and Jacob were seeing each other. At first there was talk that the relationship might have been a way for the couple to give their profile an extra boost on the show. ‘Their relationship was plastered all over the papers and the teen magazines,’ Jamie recalled. ‘Some thought it was all just a publicity stunt, but she always used to tell me she did feel something for him and I believed her.’
    Sadly, the blossoming romance would soon be nipped in the bud. It was rumoured that the show’s PRs suggested to Cheryl that perhaps it was better for her to focus on the show and not get distracted by boys. The result was that Cheryl and Jacob parted company, just days before the live shows were about to begin. It was a hard decision, but in the end Cheryl felt it was the right thing to do.
    ‘It’s a shame, but we don’t have time to see each other any more,’ she said a few weeks after the split in the Sun. ‘We didn’t get a chance to get to know each other properly.’ But whether it was her decision or not, Cheryl didn’t have time to mourn the loss of her relationship: she had a TV show, and the opportunity of a place in a girlband to worry about. Luckily for Cheryl, she and the girls had a week’s reprieve because the boys –Jamie Shaw, Mikey Green, Daniel Pearce, Anton Gordon, Matt Johnson, Chris Park, Peter Smith, Keith Semple, Nikk Mager and Andrew Kinlochan – were first up to battle each other for a place in the band.
    After the boys had performed an opening number as a group, they each took turns to sing their own carefully chosen song. When all ten of them had sung, host Davina opened the phone lines and asked the public to make a life-changing decision – to choose their favourite male star.
    A couple of hours later, on the results show, Davina announced that Chris and

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