Child of Grace (Love Inspired)

Child of Grace (Love Inspired) by Irene Hannon Page A

Book: Child of Grace (Love Inspired) by Irene Hannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Irene Hannon
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potatoes, green bean casserole and his mom’s famous split lemon cake. It was the same menu she’d always prepared when he came home on leave. His salivary glands went into overdrive as he thought about it.
    “That sounds a whole lot better than the chili I’m having tonight.”
    “Chili? That’s all you’re having for dinner?” Dismay raised the pitch of her voice.
    “It’s great chili. Or so I’m told. And I’m having homemade wheat bread and cider doughnuts, too. The doughnuts I can vouch for. They’re fabulous.” He licked a few grains of sugar off his finger.
    “Not the healthiest menu I’ve ever heard. And not enough for a grown man. Now throw in some buttered grits…”
    He grinned. Though Southern born and raised, he’d never been a fan of grits. As his mother well knew. “I think I’ll stick with the chili. Are you and Dad ready for your trip?”
    “As a matter of fact, that’s why I called.”
    The sudden hesitancy in her tone put him on alert. “Is everything okay? Dad isn’t sick, is he?”
    Luke would never forget the scare they’d all had three years ago, when his robust father’s chest pains had led to bypass surgery. But he hadn’t suffered a heart attack, and he’d been in good health since.
    “My, no, he’s fit as a fiddle. Out painting the tool shed in back as we speak. But we do have a little problem. You know how Hannah was supposed to stay with a friend for the three weeks we’re in Europe? Well, that friend was in a car accident yesterday. She broke her leg and needs surgery, so we can’t possibly impose on her family. They have enough on their plate.”
    He knew where this was heading, and the bottom dropped out of his stomach.
    “Here’s the thing, Luke,” his mother continued. “I know you have a lot to do while you’re up there, and I hate to infringe on your time, but is there any possibility you could take Hannah while we’re gone? I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone here by herself. Even though she’s made it clear she’s very capable of being on her own.”
    Luke raked his fingers through his hair. He had little spare time to entertain a seventeen-year-old. Besides, the age difference between him and his parents’ late-in-life daughter had made them almost strangers.
    Yet he knew his parents had been planning this grand tour of Europe for years, putting away a few dollars toward it from each of his father’s modest paychecks. Paychecks that had mostly gone to feed, house and educate him and his sister. Buy birthday presents. Pay for braces.
    Suck it in, Turner. Your parents deserve a worry-free trip. They made enough sacrifices for you.
    “Sure, Mom. No problem. It will give Hannah and me a chance to get reacquainted.”
    “You’re the best, Luke.” A sniffle came over the line. “Course, I already knew that. Now, we’re leaving on Sunday, but I surely would like this to all be settled and know she’s safe and sound before the weekend. Would it be all right if we send her up on Friday?”
    Day after tomorrow.
    His stay in Michigan was getting more complicated by the day.
    “That will work. I’m assuming she’ll fly into Grand Rapids and I can pick her up there.”
    “That’s what I’m hoping. As soon as I have the arrangements in place I’ll call you back.”
    The microwave pinged, and his mother ended the call with a quick sign-off. “Enjoy your dinner and I’ll talk to you soon.”
    Tapping the End button, Luke slid the phone back on his belt and pulled his chili out of the microwave. But instead of taking it out to the backyard, as he’d planned, he slid it onto the kitchen table, cut a slice of homemade bread and pulled a tablet and pen out of one of the kitchen drawers. He needed to make a list of things to do before Hannah arrived.
    As he dug into the chili, he wrote a few items down. Prepare one of the spare bedrooms. Make sure there were plenty of towels in the extra bathroom. Stock the kitchen with more than cereal

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