Jesus being the light of the world and there is no darkness in Him, I realized that the occult practices and false religions into which I had thrown myself were inhabited by another spirit. A dark spirit. Thespirit of God’s enemy. The opposite of God. Little did I know I had been consorting with the enemy of God.
When I separated myself from all that and walked into the realm of the God of infinite power, peace, and love, it was like night and day by comparison. I didn’t conjure this up. I didn’t imagine anything. It was unmistakable. It was more real than anything I had ever known, even more so than the fear and pain I had lived with for a lifetime. God’s Word became a message of love and hope to me. I thought of it as a precious diamond, and every time I read it I found dazzling new facets. “I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure” (Psalm 119:162). Each time I opened the Bible, I asked God to open my eyes to new depths of the truth I had not seen before. And He did.
The Bible became an unending source of life to me. I could hear God speaking to me by His Spirit on every page. And I felt His love each time.
When you enter into a close relationship with God, you will not only love Him , you will also love His Word . You cannot separate the two. God and His Word are one. That’s because Jesus is the living Word of God, and God and Jesus are one. It was God’s Holy Spirit who inspired the writers of the Bible and led them as they wrote it. The more you read God’s Word, the more you will experience God’s love.
Ask God to help you see and understand and sense His love for you in His Word as you read it. It has been written as His love letter to you. And the Holy Spirit will bring it alive to you every time.
There are countless ways God shows His love for you in His Word. What follows are only a few of them.
God’s Word Gives You a Way to Make Life Work
God’s laws and commandments are there because He loves us and He wants what is best for us . He gives us rules for our benefit .
Just like any loving parent, God gives us boundaries for our owngood. Indulgent parents, who let their children do anything they want, raise kids with serious problems. You see it all the time. Children without boundaries are unstable. They get out of control. And they feel out of control. They misbehave without consequences, so they believe there are no consequences for breaking the rules. Parents who allow children to not follow the rules that exist for their protection don’t do any favors for their children. People generally don’t like children like that and don’t want to be around them. And such children sense that they are not liked and that affects their personality. They develop less than optimal behavior, which leads to more rejection. This happens all because a parent does not love their children enough to give them rules with a requirement to obey them.
All children need to know what the boundaries are in order to survive and do well in life. We are God’s kids, and we, too, need boundaries in order to survive and do well. Without God’s Word, we will be influenced by the anti-Christ-formed relativism of the world more than the God-created revelation of the Holy Spirit.
Having absolutes in our life is freeing. Parents who love their children give them rules for their protection, and God does the same for His children. As a child of God, His laws free you to move into the plans and purposes He has for you. From His Word you find out what works and what doesn’t work and never will. You don’t have to wander down paths that will hurt you, rob you, ruin your life, and take you far away from the fulfillment and purpose God has for you.
That’s why God’s Word is His love letter to you.
God’s Word Changes Your Heart and Mind
When you find true and lasting love, it is life-giving. Every time you read your loved one’s messages, they touch you deeply and bring noticeable changes in your
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