Chosen Alien Gene: The Complete Collection (SciFi Alien Menage Romance)
moaned out again as the fingers stroking and rubbing her clit moved faster; she could feel another finger sliding down to the well of her pussy.
    “The—the purpose is pleasure,” she said, panting as her body heated up.
    “That’s—that’s as far as—as our scientists have been able to determine.” One of the aliens, possibly Lenth, chuckled.
    “Pleasure seems to be an important function of human sexuality,” he commented. Giselle nodded, her lust-fogged brain barely capable of interpreting the words. She twisted and writhed as the two aliens touched her everywhere, unable to identify who was touching her where, trapped in a haze of sensations coursing through her body.
    Giselle realized with a start that the two men were leading her towards the bed, pressing her onto the thick, soft blankets and pillows. She shook her head sharply, trying to clear it, and watched as Lenth climbed onto the bed with her, sliding down between her legs, while Bronn slithered onto the bed next to her, his hands wandering over her breasts. She was surprised—almost shocked—as Bronn leaned in, bringing his lips down onto hers.
    Giselle moaned into Bronn’s mouth as she felt Lenth bury his face against her already-soaking pussy, his tongue sliding up and down along her slick labia, tasting her and exploring her sex. She twisted and writhed between the two men as Bronn deepened the kiss, his hands trailing over her body, while Lenth’s tongue worked its way slowly up from her inner labia to her clit, teasing her relentlessly. Giselle reached out blindly, exploring the two men’s bodies by touch, trying to understand the lines and ridges of their non-human shapes, the warm and slightly silken texture of their skin underneath her fingers.
    Bronn’s lips left hers, and Giselle heard herself making a sound somewhere between a groan and a whimper—before his lips began to trail along her neck, past her collarbones. His hands cupped her breasts, and Giselle shivered as she felt his mouth close around one of her nipples, even as Lenth began to flicker his tongue against her clit so rapidly she couldn’t follow the movements, only respond to the pleasure coursing through her body.
    Giselle’s hands grabbed blindly, her body pitching and twisting, arching up off of the bed, as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her under the impetus of the two aliens’ attentions, driving out any thought. She heard the two men’s sounds of pleasure, her orgasm intensifying as Lenth began to suck and lick her even more eagerly, as Bronn switched from one breast to the other, worshipping her nipples with his lips and tongue. She felt a brief flicker of fear as sensation overwhelmed her, so intense it might have been pain instead of pleasure, both of the aliens continuing their attentions beyond what Giselle would have thought possible for her to stand.
    As the last of the spasms worked through her body, she sagged against the bed, trembling from the force of her orgasm. To her relief, both aliens began to slow down, pulling back from her; though electrical impulses of sensation still danced through her body in aftershocks, she didn’t have to beg them to stop—they somehow understood that she could tolerate no more. She panted and gasped for breath, curling in on herself slightly, trying to understand what was happening in her own body. “You really…you’ve both obviously done your research,” she said, her breath finally beginning to slow. She heard both men chuckle.
    “It’s necessary for human women to be sufficiently prepared in order to be able to take us,” Bronn told her; Giselle shivered as she felt his fingertips brushing sweat-dampened locks of hair away from her face, and opened her eyes to see the two aliens looming over her, their unearthly eyes full of concern.
    “One thing I will not agree to,” Giselle said carefully, her gaze flicking down to the frankly almost terrifying equipment the two males possessed. “I

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