City of Darkness and Light
I’m afraid. And it was a mistake to admit these wilder types from Southern Europe. They don’t respect the law as we do. Brigands and cutthroats the lot of them.”
    “Don’t be so gloomy, Alfred,” Dodo complained, reaching across to slap his hand as if he was a naughty child. “We’re supposed to be cheering up poor Molly, not worrying her even more. We’re going to make her very welcome and give her a lovely time with us. You should see how happy Little Cuddles is to have found a playmate. They absolutely adore each other.”
    Actually they had been crawling over each other, taking toys away at will, but I thought it wise not to say this.
    “I’m sure he’ll have a brother or sister soon enough,” Alfred said.
    “I’m not sure that I want to give up my figure again so soon,” Dodo said. “And it really was most uncomfortable going through childbirth, wasn’t it, Molly.”
    Alfred coughed. One did not mention pregnancy in mixed company.
    We had just had coffee served to us when there was a thunderous knock at the front door. Dodo gave a little gasp. “It’s them. They’ve found you, Molly.”
    Alfred stood up, ready for action, but then we heard a maid’s voice, calm and efficient, saying, “I’ll tell the master that you’re here, sir, if you’d care to wait.” Then she appeared and dropped a curtsey. “If you please, sir, ma’am, but Captain Sullivan has come to see his wife.”
    “Show him in, Ethel. Don’t keep him waiting,” Dodo said before Alfred could answer. “And bring another cup and brandy glass.”
    The maid gave a perfunctory bob again and almost immediately Daniel came into the room. He was still wearing his police uniform and he looked hollow-eyed and exhausted.
    “Daniel Sullivan.” He held out his hand to Alfred. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you taking my wife in on such short notice.”
    “Not at all. Glad to be of help,” Alfred said gruffly and shook his hand.
    “I’m sorry to trouble you at this hour,” Daniel said, and I could see him staring at my new attire with interest, “but I wonder if I might have a word with my wife about arrangements that are being made for her.”
    “By all means,” Alfred said. “Ethel, show Captain and Mrs. Sullivan into my study. Can I pour you a brandy first?”
    “I won’t take a drink, thank you. I’ve hardly slept in the last day or so and I’d probably fall asleep during the cab ride downtown.”
    “A cup of coffee then?” Dodo asked. “Some dessert? Some fruit?”
    “I wouldn’t say no to coffee,” Daniel said. “Thank you.”
    “I’ll have a tray sent through to the study.” Dodo motioned to the servant, who led us down the hall and into a room lined with bookshelves. There were two leather armchairs on either side of a fireplace. Being May the fire was unlit and the room felt decidedly chilly, but I sat in one of the chairs. Daniel took the other.
    “You appear to have settled in remarkably well,” he said. “You look as if you’re about to attend a ball.”
    “That was Dodo—Mrs. Phillips’s doing,” I said. “She insisted on plying me with her clothing—a little more fancy than I’m used to.”
    “It suits you well,” Daniel said. “And Liam is all right?”
    “Never been happier. He has a nurse to watch over him and a small playmate.”
    “That’s good.” He still looked worried and distracted, running a hand through unruly hair, some of which had been singed by the fire. “I came to tell you that I’ve secured a passage for you on a French ship. She’s called La Lorraine and she sails for Le Havre in a week’s time. I’m afraid the commissioner’s allowance didn’t run to first class, but at least it won’t be steerage and, being French, I’m sure the food will be good. If you’d like to compose a telegram I’ll have a cable sent to your friends in the morning, letting them know when the ship arrives and when you are likely to reach Paris.”
    I was on my way

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