Class Trip

Class Trip by Rachel Burns Page A

Book: Class Trip by Rachel Burns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Burns
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a few
minutes I turned to him, “Why can't I go to the others?”
    “I already
explained that. You will stay right here next to me.” He kept his
eyes on the other girls and didn't look my way as he answered me.
    “You mean
because I already have an owner – like a dog would?”
    He grinned again.
“Certainly not like a dog. More like an extremely expensive car
that one would take perfect care of.”
    “But you can't
own a person.”
    “That, my dear
child, is a very modern notion. And this is a very old country.”
    “That doesn't
make it right.”
    “Do you always
have to have the last word?” He looked at me now. He looked ticked.
    “No, not at
all, just when I'm right.” I lifted up my chin a little.
    “Oh, well that
is good to know,” he grinned and looked back over the girls.
    The sun was
getting really hot and it was shining right down on me. There was
hardly a cloud in the sky. Herr Glossner just held my hand without
letting go even though it was so hot.
    All the doors
were open up to let air in. I could see the women working in the
kitchen. They were putting champagne glasses on trays and trays full
of appetizers. I watched them going into a room behind us. They were
setting up a very expensive buffet table. I was starting to get
hungry again.
    I heard a
helicopter coming. Everyone looked up and watched it fly over our
heads. It flew so low that they had to see us. Several of the girls
waved and screamed for help.
    “What brats,”
Herr Glossner said shaking his head at them. He looked like he wanted
to whip them, badly.
    “Okay angel.
It's time. I need you to go to our room now. You can play with your
laptop again.” He pulled me back over to the door. The girls were
watching us closely. None of them were coming to my rescue. He had
been right about that.
    “I won't lock
you in this time. I'm leaving the door open so you can go to the
bathroom. But I am locking the apartment door. Don't touch anything
that isn't in our room. The others would be very upset about that.
You need to be really good for me. I'll come back in a while and
bring you to bed. When I do I'll sneak you a snack. Today is a very
busy day for us. If you disobey me I will be very upset with you. You
don't want that, do you?”
    I shook my head
    “Good than in
you go.” He opened the door to the apartment and then closed it
    I was standing in
the living room. I looked around again. I had a feeling that they
were very poor. I saw that there were three other bedrooms. I fought
with myself not to open the doors and peek in. I went to our bedroom as he called it.
    I had already
figured out that my owner couldn't come get me yet so I had to stay
with them until he had time. Herr Glossner was sharing his room with
me until then.
    But how could my
owner have picked me out already?
    Did he just want
me because I was American?
    Did he hate all
    I looked out of
the window and I saw around twenty limousines parked out there. I saw
a driver opening the door and a man getting out. He was old and gray
but he looked very dignified. But you can't judge a book by its
cover, I told myself. He was here to buy one of my friends. Horny
old bastard I thought.
    He looked up at
the building and saw me standing there. He waved to me. I stepped
back to the side of the wall. I couldn't resist; I peeked back out to
him. He was still there and he was smiling at me. I hid again.
    I waited a long
time before I looked back. He was gone then but others were coming.
All were dressed very fine. Another helicopter was landing close by
to where the other one had landed. I had a perfect view from here.
    The door to the
apartment flew open and Herr Glossner came charging in. “Get away
from that window right now.”
    He grabbed me by
my arm like the others weren't allowed to do. He sat down on the bed
and I fell over his knees. Herr Glossner started right in spanking
me. I tried to reach back and cover my bottom with my right hand but
he twisted

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