what he called his private line and was the only one which Stella used. She was careful, scrupulous even, about breaking into his working life.
Stella wasted no time. ‘Darling . . .’
That meant business, it was the theatrical darling, meaning nothing, except here I come and I have a request to make.
‘Yes?’ Coffin was cautious.
‘Robbie’s very worried about his daughter. His stepdaughter, really, but he loves her and she took his name.’
‘I gathered that last night.’ Was it last night? No, it was a bit longer ago than that. He had been so deep in the past, that the present was hard to hold on to.
‘Yes, but more worried . . . She’s missing, really missing, not just playing. She hasn’t got a very high IQ. Learningdifficulties, they call it, don’t they? She’s lovely to look at, by the way, a beautiful girl, but a simple soul. I had her working in the theatre, in the wardrobe and so on, that side of things, she did well enough while they kept it simple. Then she went off without a word. She’s an innocent and he thinks she’s in real trouble.’
‘He can tell, can he?’
‘He thinks so. He’d like your advice.’
‘Well,’ began Coffin.
‘He’s important to me.’ She didn’t say darling again, but it was there in her voice. ‘And the limbs found on the house in Barrow Street . . . well, he’s wondering if they could be his stepdaughter, Alice. That’s her name . . . her mother married George Freedom next . . . not with him now.’
What a lot, Coffin thought. ‘Where does the girl live and how long has she been missing?’
‘She lives in a room her mother found for her in the Second City. She works three times a week. I gave her the job here. She is seventeen, and innocent.’ Stella hesitated. ‘That’s one reason for worry, she may not be able to protect herself.’
‘Stella, that unlucky woman was older and more battered than the young Gilchrist girl. It cannot be her.’ Not if she was young and lovely.
‘But, if there’s a killer out there –’
He interrupted her.
‘What is it you want?’
‘Could you meet us for a drink in Max’s, about six? We might eat there afterwards if you feel like it.’ Max and his restaurant was the favoured eating place for those working in St Luke’s Theatre Complex who could afford his prices, which had risen sharply in the last year. Max also ran the various bars and eating places in the three theatres.
Coffin, whose income had not risen as sharply as Max’s prices, was thinking about it, when Stella said: ‘My dinner.’
Stella, although out of work, was temporarily rich: the theatres were doing well, while a TV series she had done was endowing her with money for repeats from North America, Germany, Australia and from what Stella called the Monkey Islands. She used to complain that her TV series travelledmuch more than she did. A false complaint, since Stella hated to travel except in the greatest luxury.
‘If I am going to be an expense item, I accept.’
‘You are all right, are you, love?’ This time the affection was genuine. ‘You sound a bit strained.’
‘Just the first days back at work.’ And digging myself up. I may have a confession to make to you, Stella. ‘And a rather tricky murder.’
A set of limbs, anyway, we have to assume the body and the murder.
‘Don’t, love,’ said Stella solemnly. ‘You are too important to worry about the odd murder.’
He laughed. He never felt important.
‘You’re uneasy, though, I can tell, and that means you are involving yourself. Take my advice: work out what is bugging you, find it, and then leave it. You don’t need it.’
She put the telephone down gently.
‘I need the face,’ Coffin said aloud. ‘Where is the head?’
Phoebe Astley was thinking this too. ‘We had better find the head and quickly. If it’s not in a freezer or such, it will be deteriorating rapidly. Wasn’t there a killer who boiled the heads to keep them what he called
Oganalp Canatan
Alycia Taylor
Rona Jaffe
Jacqueline Pearce
Katherine Paterson
Mary Wesley
Andre Dubus
Jan Karon
Cindy Thomson
Stuart Palmer