Colby: September

Colby: September by Brandy Walker Page B

Book: Colby: September by Brandy Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandy Walker
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every room after the other employees were seeing their clients out. The worst had to be the demon who’d oozed toxic fumes the more he relaxed. Ella had to sweep the room with sage and clear it with a cleansing spell, all while not breathing the stench in. The mask over her face had done little to filter it out.
    The people Ella should have seen were given to other therapists. She’d basically been demoted to slave girl. It wasn’t exactly what she’d been told she’d be doing at the spa. In fact, the way Vasilis talked, she was to jump right in with both hands, so to speak. She had enough experience under her belt to know what she was doing, and a breaking in period wasn’t warranted.
    She refused to cause waves, though, and approach him about what happened. It could be Claire put her through some form of initiation. Letting her get her feet wet and pay some dues.
    “Or, more likely, she was just being a complete and utter bitch.” Ella mumbled as she stripped out of her spa uniform. Padding over to her stacked washer and dryer in her bra and panties, she threw it in. There wasn’t anyone around for her to cover up for, and she loved the freedom that came with that. The comfortable warm air circulating through the room caressed her skin, sending pinpricks of sensation along her nerve endings. Threads of contentment had her sighing happily.
    Popping the cork on a bottle of wine, she poured a glass, chugged it, and then poured another. She pulled out leftovers and heated them with a wave of her hand. “No need for a microwave when you like to play with fire.”
    The rest of her evening was uneventful, as usual. She switched out laundry and made a mental note to order a couple more uniforms. She watched the new TV reality show Witches vs. Wizards: Craft Showdown while she waited for the dryer to finish . It wasn’t bad. Wonky spells and ridiculous situations no purveyor of magic would ever find themselves in. It passed the hour until she could crawl in bed. The morning would come soon enough, and she had a feeling the next day would be a repeat of what she’d already been through. Jealous bitch. If things didn’t change by the end of the week, she was damn well doing something about it.
    Ella may be a healing witch, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a mean side.

Sept 16th
    E lla was right in her prediction of what her day would be like. Claire was on her ass as soon as Ella stepped through the door.
    “Ella, you’re on time,” Claire said, a hint of sarcasm bleeding into the woman’s tone.
    She glanced at the large clock over the front desk. “Right on time, as a mater of fact.”
    Claire grunted. “Early is on time, on time is late, and if you’re late…don’t bother coming back. This is your one and only warning,” she sneered. The corner of her mouth lifted into a not so pretty look. Ella narrowed her eyes, and for the first time saw what she thought Claire’s real appearance was. It was gone before she could really see it.
    “That’s the first time I’ve heard that policy,” Bianca announced as she breezed through the door, interrupting Ella’s thoughts. She turned toward the dark-haired pixie and smiled. Bianca winked back.
    Claire made a low irritated growling noise in her throat, glaring at Bianca. A flash of light lit from her fingers, sparking across the desk.
    The pixie threw a hand up in Claire’s direction, bits of pixie dust diffusing Claire’s magic. “Oh please,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “You are not all that, Claire. We all got here at the same time, and you’re no better than the rest of us. Just because you think you’re in charge, doesn’t mean you are.”
    “Why did Vasilis appoint me lead therapist, then? He knows I’m better than the rest of you. Knows I have more leadership skills and can keep you…people…in line.”
    “Girl, you do not want me to answer that.” Bianca brushed past the desk and hooked her arm with Ella’s. They headed down

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