down the wall to sit on the floor of the shower.
It was only the water running cold that forced the tall woman out of the shower, and she returned to the bedroom, grabbing a large towel from a cupboard as she passed it.
She lay on the sheetless mattress, pulling the quilt up around her shivering body.
"Oh God, Rocky. What have I done?" she sobbed into the pillow.
Jo had fallen into a fitful sleep, and it was only the persistent ringing of her doorbell that awakened her. She pulled the towel around her still trembling body and made her way down the stairs to the lounge and to the speaker.
"Yeah?" Her own voice sounded broken to her ears and she cleared her throat and tried again. "Yeah?" she said again, louder this time.
"Harry," was the short reply.
Jo pushed the button to admit her friend and went back up to her bedroom to retrieve her robe.
By the time she'd found it and returned to the lounge, Harry was sitting in the chair.
"Well, aren't I the popular one this evening?" She glanced at the clock; it was a little after 9pm.
"You look like shit, Jo," said Harry, standing and closing the space between her and her friend. She raised a hand and gently touched Jo's bottom lip, tracing the small cut there. "Who did this?"
Jo shook her head. "Doesn't matter."
"If you say so," said Harry, who shrugged and returned to her seat.
Jo collapsed on the sofa, and rubbed her temples with shaking fingers.
"You want to talk about it?" asked Harry.
"No.... yes," a big sigh. "I don't know."
"Did the girl show up?"
"In the park? Yes she did." Jo leaned forward and turned up the heating on the artificial flame fire.
"So.... are you going to tell me what happened here tonight?"
Jo pushed herself back into a corner of the sofa, tucking herself into as small a ball as possible. "Nothing happened."
"Strange, I was just in the club. Trixi was there."
Jo closed her eyes.
"She gave you that split lip, didn't she?"
Jo nodded, and opened her eyes to see Harry moving towards her and sitting beside her on the sofa. "Come here," said Harry, and gathered the shaking woman into her arms as Jo crawled towards her. "She uses you," said Harry into dark silken hair.
"I use her too," whispered Jo. "I have no excuse."
"Since when did you need an excuse, Jo? You've used anyone who took your fancy." Harry felt the woman in her arms stiffen. "You know it's true."
The dark head nodded against her chest. "I know."
Harry barely heard her friend's answer. "So why is it different tonight?" Harry asked.
Jo shrugged.
"Come on, Jo. Talk to me." Harry gave her friend a little shake.
"Tonight I felt ashamed," Jo said finally.
"D'you think it has anything to do with Rocky?"
"Would you like to have a relationship with Rocky?"
There was silence from the dark woman.
"Jo?" Harry tried to push the larger woman away from her so that she could see into her face. "Jo, look at me."
The blue eyes wouldn't meet her own, and once again Harry took Jo's shoulders in her hands and gave her a shake. "Jo. What is it about this girl; do you know yet?"
Jo shook her head. "I've never felt ashamed before. And tonight I felt both ashamed and dirty. I hated Trix for the power she held over me tonight. I couldn't stop her. I couldn't stop myself. I wanted what she was giving me, and, for a while, it felt good. I'm scared, Harry."
"Jesus, Jo. You've never been scared of anything."
"I'm scared I'll always be like this. I'm scared I'll always need people like Trix. People who want me just for another fuck, want a body, any body. Trix never wanted me; I could have been anyone. I was just always available. I can't..." Jo's voice broke and she buried her face in Harry's chest once more. "I'm scared, Harry," she said again, between sobs.
"Don't be scared, Jo. You'll find a way out of this. And I have a feeling you won't be alone when you do find your way."
Jo raised her head and regarded her friend with bloodshot eyes.
Harry smiled at her. "I hope Rocky
Scott Westerfeld
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Kathe Koja
M.C.A. Hogarth
Jeremiah Healy
Alanis Knight
L. E. Modesitt Jr.
Dawn Ryder
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Lori Brighton