Colors of Chaos

Colors of Chaos by L. E. Modesitt Jr. Page A

Book: Colors of Chaos by L. E. Modesitt Jr. Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. E. Modesitt Jr.
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Epic
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If you do not wish to spend your life supporting armsmen and lancers, you need to find a skill valuable to the Guild. Jeslek... he has studied the depths of the earth. How do you think he knows how to raise mountains?"
    "I have seen him, but I don't possess that kind of power ..."
    "Remember"-Esaak raised his hand-"it must be practical as well as interesting. Best you think about it. You have time, but do not waste it." Esaak lumbered to his feet. "And I must instruct yet another untutored apprentice who thinks that numbers are but for counting coins. Good day, young Cerryl."
    "Good day, ser." Cerryl waited until the older mage was on his way out of the hall before he sat down at the round table in the center, aware that Esaak had left and that, outside of the serving boys in red, he was alone.
    He ate quickly, his thoughts flitting. Light... how can that be practical, except for killing? No, letting the Guild know about his skill with the light lances and daggers wasn't terribly appealing ... or safe. His past experiences with Anya and Jeslek had taught him all too well that, according to the written and unspoken rules for jockeying for power- or survival-what had saved Cerryl was his mastery of skills the others had not known about and still did not know that he possessed.
    The problem with hidden skills, though, was that he could end up being a gate guard forever, which was what Esaak had suggested would happen if he didn't show another useful talent. So how much talent and skill should he reveal, and how? What would be a safe yet useful skill? After he swallowed the last of the bread and conserves, he left the Meal Hall and wandered along the corridor, glancing into the student common, where he used to study-empty except for the goateed Bealtur, who glanced up at Cerryl, offered a polite smile, and returned to the tome before him.
    Bealtur had been so certain he would be made a full mage before Cerryl, and he hadn't been. So had Kesrik, before Kesrik had been maneuvered into trying to trap Cerryl in a terrible mistake. Instead, Kesrik had been found out and destroyed in a blaze of fire by the High Wizard. Except... Cerryl knew full well that while Kesrik had probably tried to poison Cerryl, the brigands that had attacked Cerryl when he was on sewer duty had been sent by Anya, disguised as Kesrik. Cerryl still had no idea why the redheaded mage had tried that, but he watched her as closely as he could and avoided her as circumspectly as possible.
    What else could he do? Most mages were restrained by the fact that the High Wizard, the two overmages, and a few others had the power to "truth-read" and discover plots. But Anya was under Jeslek's protection, and he was not only overmage but also possibly the most powerful chaos wielder in centuries. Cerryl's most reliable protection, until he mastered more chaos skills, was concealment, but developing skills and keeping them hidden could only get harder.
    He crossed the courtyard to the last Hall, the one with the smallest rooms, and went up the steps to his own quarters, nearly all the way to the back. Once inside his room, he took a deep breath and extracted Colors of White from the bookcase. He had most of the day. Perhaps he could find some ideas there.
    Perhaps ...
    Cerryl walked past the fountain in the courtyard between the main Hall and the rear Hall. His feet ached, and his head throbbed-the former because he'd walked across the guardhouse ramparts too much during the day and the latter because he'd practiced using the light/ invisibility cloak too much. Kinowin had been perfunctory in his questions, as though the overmage's mind had been elsewhere, and Cerryl hadn't mentioned his aches, knowing that Kinowin wouldn't have been terribly sympathetic.
    Despite the deep dusk, the courtyard was hot, and the fountain spray across Cerryl's face felt welcome.
    "Hello there."
    He looked up to see blonde hair and a green short-sleeved shirt and armless tunic of

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