Cora: Bride of South Dakota (American Mail-Order Bride 40)
here. You don’t have to marry.” Linda assured her.
    “Cora clutched the envelope to her breast. “Nothing’s wrong, it’s perfect. The references are even better than I could have hoped for and he sounds like a very considerate gentleman.” She handed the envelope to Millie.
    Linda hung over her daughter’s shoulder as she read the letter and references.
    “He sounds heavenly,” Millie sighed.
    “I must admit, he does sound like excellent husband material.” Linda admitted. “You do know, if anything worries you or you feel unsafe you can telegraph us and we’ll come and get you.”
    “I know and it sets my mind at ease. I have a feeling everything will be fine. I’d like to go into town, make travel arrangements and send Mr. Franklin a wire. I’m anxious to meet him. I don’t want to wait for him to send the funds and I want to explain in person why I’m travelling under a false name.”
    “I’ll ask Brent to accompany you tomorrow. I’m sure Millie will go with you too.” Linda said.
    Cora felt like jumping for joy but settled for Millie and Linda hugging her close.
    John held the folded paper in his hand and watched as Bert from the Telegraph office, rode off. Puffs of dust rose in the air as the horses’ hooves pounded the dusty road.
    “What was Bert doing here?” Sam asked as he ambled to John’s side.
    Frank and Henry also loped up.
    “He brought a wire out for me. Said it was marked urgent.” John unfolded the paper and read:
    Mr. Franklin stop Have received your letter and references stop Arriving on 10.45 train Friday October 26 stop Look forward to meeting you stop Cora Ancelet stop
    “Damn, that gal made her mind up fast,” Sam said. “Sounds mighty desperate.”
    “She didn’t even give me a chance to make the arrangements and send her some money.” John was thoughtful. Why are you so anxious to get here? What are you running from? He pushed the worry from his mind, folded the paper and tucked it into the pocket of his blue cotton shirt. “Guess we’d better get everything in order. Friday’s only four days away and there’s still a lot to be done. He turned towards the house.
    “We’ll get things moved into the new house and then give you a hand to clean up,” Sam said as he started towards the barn, Henry followed but Frank headed to the house to start supper.
    “You want us all to come with ya on Friday,” Henry asked hopefully.
    “Of course. I’ve asked Sam to stand up for me since he’s been my best friend since we were in diapers but I want you all at my marriage.”
    “Ain’t ya worried we’ll scare her off with our ugly mugs?” Frank asked.
    “I guess you’ve got a point. Maybe I should just go alone and you can meet her after we’re already wed.” John laughed.
    “Yeah, she might turn tail and get the next train back to where she came from,” Sam said.
    The men guffawed as they went their separate ways but despite their humor, they would present the ranch in its best light. They would not let John down.
    Cora stepped onto the platform in Rapid City and glanced around. She searched for John amongst the milling crowd. Her hands shook nervously as she clutched her reticule. This is it. You’re about to meet the man who is to be your husband.
    “Miss Brown. Miss Rose Brown?” the station porter asked.
    “Yes,” she answered.
    “Your luggage is by the waiting room for you,” the man said.
    Before Cora could thank him and offer a coin, he scurried away. She returned to searching the thinning crowd for John’s face.
    Then, not ten feet away, she saw him for the first time. He seemed to be searching for her but how he was ever expecting to find her, she didn’t know. Cora had never sent him a picture, only a description.
    She took advantage of her knowledge to study her intended. His picture did not do him justice.

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