Courting Miss Vallois

Courting Miss Vallois by Gail Whitiker Page A

Book: Courting Miss Vallois by Gail Whitiker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Whitiker
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    â€˜And I have always been impressed by people who choose to help others in such a way,’ Jane spoke up. ‘But tell me, how did the four of you meet?’
    â€˜Through my husband,’ Lavinia said easily. ‘Nicholas and Antoine met in France several years ago, and we finally persuaded him to come to London and to bring Sophie with him. Unfortunately, Antoine must shortly return home, but Sophie is to stay with us until the end of the Season.’
    â€˜Oh, how wonderful!’ Jane said happily. ‘Then you must pay us a visit while you are here, Miss Vallois. We will have petit fours, and speak French, and you can tell me all about the latest fashions from Paris. J’adore la mode française. Have you seen much of London?’
    â€˜Not yet.’
    â€˜Then why not join us tomorrow afternoon? Roberthas promised to take me for a drive around Hyde Park. It would be lovely if you and your brother could come too.’
    It was an unexpectedly kind offer and one Sophie would have been happy to accept—had she not caught sight of the expression on Mr Silverton’s face. Obviously he did not share his sister’s enthusiasm for the outing and saw no reason to pretend he did. ‘Perhaps another time,’ she said. ‘I have no wish to intrude.’
    â€˜Oh, but you wouldn’t be intruding,’ Jane said. ‘My brother is always delighted to have friends come along. Aren’t you, Robert?’
    â€˜Of course. I merely thought it too soon after Miss Vallois’s arrival for such an outing. She might wish to rest.’
    â€˜Fudge! If she has been here since yesterday, she is well over the worst and decidedly in need of a diversion,’ Jane said. ‘Tell her you were only thinking of her welfare and that you would love to have her come with us.’
    Sophie had a difficult time holding her tongue. Had Lavinia not been present, she would have politely but firmly declined the invitation. She had no wish to force her company on any one who had no desire to share it, even if it meant disappointing Jane, who obviously did. To her surprise, however, it was Mr Silverton who resolved the problem. ‘You are more than welcome to join us, Miss Vallois. Jane is anxious for your company, and I am happy to oblige her. As for your own enjoyment, while it might not be as diverting as a night spent in a barn with the horses, I’m sure you will find it an amusing way to pass an hour or two.’
    Jane frowned. ‘A night spent in a barn with horses ? What on earth are you talking about, Robert?’
    But Sophie knew exactly what he was talking about. And the knowledge that he not only understood French, but that he remembered every word she’d said to Antoine that night at the inn, brought hot colour sweeping into her cheeks. No wonder he’d been so distant with her.
    â€˜Come, Jane,’ Mr Silverton said. ‘Miss Vallois can send a note if she wishes to join us. For now, we mustn’t keep her and Lady Longworth from their evening.’
    â€˜No, of course not. Forgive me,’ Jane said. ‘It’s just that I so seldom meet anyone I really like, I tend to get carried away. But now that we’ve met, I know we are all going to be great friends. Until tomorrow, then, Miss Vallois. Good evening, Lady Longworth.’
    â€˜Jane,’ Lavinia said. ‘Mr Silverton.’
    â€˜Lady Longworth.’ He bowed, and then turned to Sophie. ‘Miss Vallois.’
    Sophie inclined her head, but refused to meet his eyes. Why should she when it was so obvious that he didn’t like her? His words had been clipped and the warmth he had shown his sister and Lavinia had definitely not been extended to her.
    â€˜A charming pair, are they not?’ Lavinia asked.
    â€˜The sister more than the brother, I think,’ Sophie said. ‘Imagine extending an invitation to someone she barely knows.’
    â€˜Jane has always had

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