Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer

Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer by Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban Page B

Book: Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer by Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
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angry that such a threat was made.” The camera
    zoomed in on two men—the motorcycle rider and the parkour runner—
    as they exited the aquarium, looking distinctly displeased. The runner
    started to shrug into his jacket he‟d shed earlier, but the rider stopped
    him long enough to reach out and fix a twisted strap on his shoulder
    The video quick-changed to the camera and reporter converging
    on that man who‟d run onto the scene: he wore a brown leather jacket,
    Converse sneakers, and a deep frown on his heart-shaped face, along
    with more than a five o‟clock shadow.
    “Excuse me, sir! WBAL 11 TV. Did you run here, sir? How far
    did you come?”
    The man looked like he was going to move to avoid the camera,
    putting his shoulder toward it and giving the lens a wary look. Then he
    looked to his companion, whose dark hair was still mussed from the
    motorcycle helmet he‟d discarded. They shared a shrug.
    “Can you tell us what agency you work for and why you‟re
    here?” the reporter persisted from off-screen, the microphone shoved
    toward him.
    The runner sighed heavily and met the reporter‟s eyes. He was
    still out of breath when he spoke. “I‟m a special agent with the Federal
    Bureau of Investigation. My partner and I heard the call over the radio
    and came to help.” His words had finality to them, as if that was all he
    was going to say. He started to turn away.
    “Is this threat linked to the others? What does Baltimore law
    enforcement intend to do about these continuing threats?” the reporter
    asked hurriedly.
    Divide & Conquer | 41

    The man stopped at the last question, his head down, and the
    camera was briefly filled with his broad shoulders squaring and the face
    of his partner, who was looking at the reporter over one shoulder with
    narrowed eyes.
    Then the agent turned and looked the reporter up and down before
    turning his eyes directly into the camera. “Baltimore law enforcement
    is going to kick this threat in the ass,” he answered heatedly, his oddly
    colored eyes flashing angrily. He pointed one long finger at the camera,
    as if speaking directly to the bombers who had set Baltimore on its ear.
    “We‟re coming for you.”
    A nearby parent cheered, and several other parents, aquarium
    staff, and officers broke into spontaneous applause as the man‟s
    partner, who was failing to conceal a smile, steered him away with a
    hand on one shoulder.
    Video cut to the Baltimore police chief. “Of course we‟ll consider
    this threat as seriously—if not more so—than any others,” he said
    firmly. “Baltimore‟s children are our greatest treasure, and we‟ll be
    working closely with the FBI to find the perpetrator of this heinous

    “„HEINOUS hoax‟? Who talks like that?” Special Agent Scott Alston
    “Always attempt to avoid alliteration,” Ty said with a straight
    face. Alston barked a laugh.
    “You shut up,” McCoy snapped as he pointed a finger at Ty.
    The entire department was gathered in one of the auditorium-like
    lecture halls on the main floor of the field office late Saturday morning.
    People had still been filtering in as McCoy watched the tape of the
    news story from that morning again. He pulled at his hair as Ty
    appeared on camera, and Ty sank lower into his chair, hiding his face
    behind his hand and trying to make himself smaller. He knew he was in
    deep shit this time. But he would say it again if presented with the
    42 | Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

    “And you, Garrett! You were right there! You should have known
    better than to let Grady talk to a reporter!” McCoy added from where
    he stood on the small stage, clearly working up an angry head of steam.
    Ty heard Zane draw in a breath, but nothing else. He turned his
    chin to see Zane sitting still, staring at McCoy, his lips pressed flat. Ty
    knew that meant his partner really wanted to say something but was
    stopping himself. Ty would have liked to

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