Cut & Run 05 - Armed & Dangerous

Cut & Run 05 - Armed & Dangerous by Abigail Roux Page A

Book: Cut & Run 05 - Armed & Dangerous by Abigail Roux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Roux
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Romance, Gay, Mystery & Detective
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narrowed eyes. He tipped his head to one side and pulled up the collar on the jacket, ran his hand through his hair to ruffle it, and reached out to pluck Ty’s aviators off his collar and slide them on. He ran his tongue over his lower lip and raised an impertinent eyebrow toward Ty.
“Oh God. Okay,” Ty muttered, rolling his eyes and turning to leave. “Now you’re just embarrassing yourself.” He smirked and glanced back, though, because Zane made embarrassing look pretty damn good.
Zane grinned as he followed, carrying his suit over his shoulder in a bag. “I used to dress like this a lot in Miami, you know.”
Ty hummed as he pictured all the many forms he’d seen Zane’s style take in the past. His Miami attire had probably involved mesh shirts, snakeskin pants, and Thai silk. Aside from his partner knowing what walking shorts were, he seemed to be competent about dressing himself at home. Ty had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He reached out to take Zane’s hand again, angling them toward Navy Pier and the waterfront.
“If you like these jeans that much, maybe I should get some new clothes for at home. Been a while since I’ve bought anything but suits for work,” Zane said, assuming an idle tone, though Ty knew full well it was meant to needle him.
“Agreed,” Ty said, adding a nod to emphasize that, yeah, Zane needed an all new wardrobe, preferably one that showed off his incredible shoulders and back, because Ty had to admit, that was his favorite part of Zane. He glanced sideways at Zane and smirked. “We’re going to Navy Pier now. There’s something you should see.”
“Should I be worried?”
They walked several blocks south, then cut east past Pritzker Military Library to make for the lake. From the circle where cabs were coming and going, picking up and dropping off, they could look down the length of the ordered chaos that was Chicago’s Navy Pier. The Ferris wheel and other rides, the yachts and touring boats moored at the docks, the seemingly endless array of shops and restaurants, extending as far as the eye could see from where he and Zane stood together.
“What is Navy Pier?” Zane asked as he followed Ty through a red metal arch bearing those words.
“It’s… I don’t know. It’s got a Ferris wheel,” Ty said with a careless shrug. “It’s like the Field Museum and Wrigley Field. You have to go do it if you go to Chicago.”
“Everything I know about Chicago I learned from The Blues Brothers ,” Zane said, distracted as they walked past small booths and ticket stands.
“Jesus, Zane,” Ty muttered. “So I came here last night very briefly because I needed a drink. You need to see this.” He gave Zane’s hand a tug, leading him inside the shopping area and wending through the mass of people, shops, and mobile vendors. When he stopped, they were standing in front of Garrett Popcorn Shop. Ty waved a hand at it with pride, as if it were somehow his doing.
Zane pulled off the aviators and laughed. “That’s great,” he said as he looked in the window.
Ty put his hand on the small of Zane’s back and ushered him in, pointing to the far wall where the shop had several T-shirts hanging. The white one in the middle, the same one Ty had bought yesterday and stowed in his bag, had yellow-orange cheddar cheese and goldenbrown caramel handprints on the chest and the slogan “Love Can Be Messy” above the word Garrett and the shop’s logo. It had been too perfect for Ty to pass up.
Zane’s lips pressed together into a thin line, and when he glanced at Ty, Ty could see the amusement in Zane’s eyes. It made them shine, the dark brown warm and inviting. Ty’s chest tightened as he looked at his lover. Why the hell couldn’t every day be like this?
“That’s pretty good. I ought to get one,” Zane said, plucking at the sleeve.
Ty stepped up behind him, letting his hand linger on Zane’s back, soaking up the feeling of being with him again. “You can

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