Damaged Souls (Broken Man)
about. Trust me Amanda, I’m not going to let anything happen to any of you.”
    “I know, Jack,” she tried to put a finger on her anxiety. “Maybe it’s because of how I grew up and the uncertainty I always faced. Maybe I have some leftover insecurities that need to be addressed. I know you are always going to be there for us, but for some reason, I still worry.”
    Jack took a second to respond as Amanda wondered if he understood what she was saying. “That’s understandable, Amanda. You had a very difficult childhood and those feelings and emotions can be hard to overcome. I know it sounds odd, but have you ever considered counseling, maybe talking to someone about what you are feeling.”
    “You are my counselor, Jack,” she replied and kissed him softly. “I really don’t need anyone as long as I have you. You make me feel better, and every day, I grow stronger and stronger. No, I don’t need a counselor. I’m going to be fine.”
    “I know you will be.”
    “It’s just that things are going to change so much in the next few months,” Amanda went back to worrying and opened up another conversation. “Greg and Delaney are leaving for college, Logan is going to start school, and who knows what we are going to do.”
    “We’ll practically be empty nesters,” Jack tried to lighten the mood with a joke.
    “I’m serious, Jack. What do you see us doing. Where do you see us in five years.”
    “Amanda, we are going to be fine,” he again reassured her. “It really doesn’t matter what we’re doing. As long as we are all together, we will be happy and everything will work out.”
    “I know you are right, Jack,” Amanda decided they didn’t need to talk about another five year plan. “You know how much I love you, right.”
    “Of course I do,” he said as he looked into her eyes and she immediately knew how much he loved her too. “Can I ask you a question.”
    “You can ask me anything, Jack, you know that.”
    “How would you feel about having another baby.”
    The question took Amanda by surprise, and she took a second to figure out how to respond. They had never really talked about a second child, and Amanda always assumed Jack was happy just having Logan. Was this something he really wanted to do at forty-seven. Was this something she really wanted to do at thirty-one.
    “Jack, is that something you want,” she questioned him and watched carefully for his response.
    “I have been thinking about it recently, but not in any definitive way,” he tried to explain his illogical line of reasoning. “Things are changing, and I know you want to start working and I know we agreed to a plan, but it’s still something I think about sometimes.”
    “And I love that you think about it,” Amanda understood where he was coming from. “And Jack, don’t think I am entirely opposed to the idea, but to be honest, I haven’t thought about it too much. I always thought you wanted to stop with Logan.”
    “Don’t get me wrong,” he hesitated. “I would be happy if we were blessed with just Logan, and I don’t underestimate the burden of bearing a child. I certainly don’t have to go through the hard part. But, if you decide it’s something you might want, maybe we can consider it.”
    “Okay, Jack,” she replied as her body responded to their conversation and she decided it was her turn to make him happy. “But let’s be quiet now, I want to concentrate on what I am going to do to you.”

Chapter Seven
    Delaney looked over at Logan as he munched his popcorn and enjoyed the movie, oblivious to all of the problems in the world. It must be nice to be so innocent, she decided as she spied the empty seat next to Logan. I can’t believe how much I miss him.
    She still saw him. At school, at work, and even back at the house when he mowed the lawn. But, it just wasn’t the same. It was almost like he had put up a protective shield since that awful night a couple weeks earlier.
    They talked, but

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