Damsels in Distress
large inside her, yet still he pushed deeper and deeper, and even when it seemed he could go no further her ordeal was only beginning, for the disgusting Dagonard began to fuck her bottom in earnest, grabbing a fistful of spanked buttock in each hand and pistoning into her.
    At first she was aware of little other than discomfort, but as he buggered her with increasing passion she felt a perverse excitement simmering in the pit of her stomach. It was shameful, but there was nothing she could do to suppress it.
    ‘Starting to get hot, my lady?’ he goaded, and she couldn’t withhold a sigh of delight as he reached around and stroked her cunny. His cock continued to pump back and forth, deep inside her bottom, and Eleanor writhed and gasped and groaned.
    Suddenly the dwarf started cursing, and to her dismay he pulled back on her hips again, submerging himself even deeper into her, then with one last obscene oath he grunted like a wild boar, and she felt hot and viscous liquid fill her rectum.
    ‘Well, well, my sluttish lady,’ he eventually panted, ‘I never buggered quite so fine an arse as that, I swear it.’
    ‘Listen, someone comes!’ Eleanor whispered, and Lynet, Isoud, Elaine and Igraine hurried to join her at the cell bars.
    ‘I hope it is not more maidens,’ Igraine said anxiously.
    Eleanor murmured an agreement. Their cell had become crowded as Sir Peris captured more damsels, and other cages had even more fair occupants. In the long year of her captivity, Sir Peris had added ever more girls to his collection until there was little room for any more.
    ‘It is the dwarf,’ whispered Isoud. A young and rather timid girl with golden curls, she had a terrible fear of Dagonard.
    For once he did not drag more captives with him, but hurried straight to their cell and unlocked the iron door.
    ‘Quickly, Lady Eleanor,’ he said, gesturing, and she hesitantly stepped out into the passage, her heart beating faster as always when she was summoned, wondering what it was she was wanted for.
    The dwarf locked the cell before explaining. ‘Sir Lancelot has discovered us at last,’ he said hurriedly, ignoring the gasps the information produced from the caged girls. ‘Sir Peris is sure to be bested. Our delightful haven can survive no more.’
    A strong hand closed on Eleanor’s wrist and he pulled her along the passageway, and in the torture chamber he paused to take a heavy iron collar and lock it around her throat, then fixing a length of chain to it.
    ‘But what, where are you taking me?’ she cried.
    Dagonard looked at her with surprised eyes. ‘Lady Eleanor, I have told you many times how much I esteem you. I would rather bugger your gorgeous arse than any other in the world, so as I am escaping, I am taking you with me. The rest of these girls can be liberated by Sir Lancelot, or not, but you, my lady, are coming with me.’
    Her mind reeling, Eleanor let him drag her down another dank passageway. He stopped before a little door, and producing a key from his tunic, he unlocked and opened it and pulled her through. It led into a low tunnel, and crouching she was forced to follow as he ran.
    At last they reached another locked door, beyond which was a stable with two horses already saddled and provisioned. ‘I always thought this day might come,’ he disclosed. ‘So I have been prepared for it for some time now.’
    From the shadows Dagonard produced a previously secreted cloak and threw it around Eleanor, hiding her collar and chain within its folds and covering her nakedness. He helped her mount a palfrey, then jumping onto his horse he tied her bound hands to the pommel of her saddle, before taking the palfrey’s reins and leading her out of the stable.
    With a shock she realised they were already a distance from the castle. The low tunnel had led out into the forest, and the dwarf had apparently laid his plans well and there was little chance of escaping him.
    ‘Halt!’ a deep, melodious voice

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