Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)

Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) by SJ McCoy Page A

Book: Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) by SJ McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: SJ McCoy
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    “Life. Motherhood. Bills. Responsibilities.
Need I go on?”
    Michael’s teasing smile vanished. “No,
sorry critter. I guess not.”
    She felt bad; she hadn't meant to shoot him down.
“No apology needed. I think I’m just a bit worn out
around the edges. You know how cranky I can get.”
    Dan stood at her side. “Want me to walk you
back?” he asked quietly.
    Oh, the things that voice did to her! She met his
eyes. It may not be the best idea to let him come back with her, but
the shivers running down her spine tried to convince her that it was.
“Yes, please.”
    Missy was pretty sure there were more than raised
eyebrows around the table after they left, but so what? Nothing was
going to happen. She was just going to enjoy his company a little
longer as they walked home. There was nothing wrong with that. She
and Dan had been hanging out for months now. He'd stayed at her place
plenty of times. Granted, Scot had always been there too, ’til
    Dan put an arm around her shoulders as they walked
across the square. He didn't need to say anything. Just like when
he'd sat so close to her on the bench earlier, he was silently
letting her know he was there for her. She slipped her own arm around
his waist. He might not be as tall or as big as Jack or Pete, but he
was perfect for her. She fit neatly under his arm.
    “Thanks, Dan. I'm so tired right now, I'm
not sure I'd even make it home under my own steam.”
    He squeezed his arm tighter. “Gotta take
care of ma lil’ lady,” he drawled.
    Holly was right, it was damned sexy when he
talked like that. It did funny things to her stomach—and other
places too. “Well the little lady appreciates it, very much.”
    “No worries. We'll get you to bed. You look
like you need it.”
    She caught her breath and looked up at him. Was he
saying...? The smile playing on his lips told her he was at least
thinking about it.
    “I mean like you need the sleep,” he
    She knew she shouldn't feel so disappointed. “I
do.” They walked on in silence.
    For the second night in a row, he stood close
behind her as she unlocked her front door. She let them in and went
through to the kitchen. He followed, but hovered in the doorway.
    “Do you want a drink?” she asked, then
tried to stifle a big yawn.
    He leaned against the doorframe, arms folded. “I'd
love to, but I think you need to get some sleep.”
    She nodded. She really was exhausted, but she
didn't want their time alone together to end so quickly.
    “Hug goodnight?” he asked, holding his
arms out to her. She went to him and he wrapped them around her. She
leaned her head against his chest. He felt so good. She chuckled.
    “What?” he asked.
    “This is our first fully clothed hug.”
    He rested his chin on top of her head. “Yeah,
I considered whipping my shirt off again.”
    She laughed at that, wishing he had. He brought
his mouth to her ear. “I have to keep it on though, Miss. I
think, tonight, if the shirt went, everything else would soon follow
    She brought her arms up around his neck and looked
deep into his eyes. Her heart fluttered in her chest. She was so
tempted to take him upstairs, right now. Even though she knew it was
wrong. He stroked his fingers all the way up her spine ’til
they caressed the back of her neck. She sighed. If he wanted to, she
would happily go with him, no matter how wrong it might be.
    “Miss, if I don't stop now, I'm not going to
be able to.”
    She let out a moan as he held her against his
arousal. He was so hard. She was already past the point of being able
to stop. She wanted him so badly. She'd fantasized about this moment
for months. Her phone brought them both back to their senses, the
Star Wars theme tune slicing through the tension that had been
building. Scot's ring tone. Dan smiled and let her go. She rummaged
in her purse.
    “Hey, Scotty!”
    “Hey, Mom. Sorry it got so late.”
    “It doesn't matter. How are you doing? Tell

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