Dance of Fire

Dance of Fire by Yelena Black Page B

Book: Dance of Fire by Yelena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yelena Black
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was understandable, but she wondered how long he was going to be mad.
    â€˜As I was saying before Vanessa arrived,’ Enzo said, ‘you four are here for a special reason: we recruited you.’
    Vanessa glanced at Geo, then Svetya. Did they have experience with demons as well?
    â€˜There is a dark faction within the Royal Court,’ Enzo said, ‘dancers who in the past have identified themselves as necrodancers , who use the power of dance to unlock evil forces. The Lyric Elite came into being to stop them from plying their evil craft. That is where you four come in. At least one of you needs to win the competition and then let yourself be recruited by this group. We need inside ­information.’
    â€˜ Win the competition?’ Vanessa asked in disbelief. ‘That’s practically impossible – there are so many good dancers here, and ninety-four of them are going to be losers. I –’
    â€˜Speak for yourself,’ Svetya said. ‘I am no loser.’
    â€˜Why doesn’t the Lyric Elite just go after these necro­dancers on their own?’ Justin asked.
    â€˜Because we don’t actually know who in the Royal Court is part of the dark company and who isn’t,’ Enzo admitted. ‘We’ve had dancers try to infiltrate the group before, but they never got past the audition process.’
    â€˜So after this, will we officially become part of the Lyric Elite?’ Geo asked.
    â€˜Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First comes your training,’ Enzo said. ‘It is essential to the secrecy of our mission that you tell no one what we are here to accomplish. Vanessa and Justin, that means you are to tell people only that you represent the New York Ballet Academy; Svetya and Geo, as you know, you are representing the Royal School of Ballet. Should the name of the Lyric Elite ever come up in ­conversation, you must pretend ignorance for your sake as well as ours. I will be your coach for the duration of the ­competition.’
    â€˜You couldn’t book us one of the newer rooms?’ Svetya asked, gazing up at the bare bulbs dangling from the ceiling, one of which flickered and burned out. ‘The Bavarian school team is working in a beautiful windowed studio on the first floor.’
    â€˜We needed somewhere we could rehearse unobserved. The work we’ll be doing is not exactly . . . conventional.’ Enzo pointed to a corner of the studio, which was filled with old furniture. ‘Justin, Geo – can you stack those so they’re out of our way?’ He turned to Vanessa. ‘And can you or Svetya run that broom across the floor? And wipe down the mirrors, would you? You’ll find hand towels in that duffel bag.’
    Vanessa gaped at his sexist attitude, but no one else seemed bothered. The boys headed towards the furniture. Svetya leaned against the wall and began texting, barely acknowledging Enzo’s request. Vanessa walked over to herand placed her hands on her hips. Don’t make a scene , she reminded herself.
    But Svetya didn’t pay her any attention whatsoever – not even when Vanessa tapped one foot against the floor.
    â€˜Excuse me,’ Vanessa said.
    â€˜Hmm?’ Svetya said without looking up.
    â€˜What did you do with my sister’s shoes?’
    Svetya raised an eyebrow. ‘What do you mean?’
    â€˜My sister’s shoes,’ Vanessa said. ‘They’re missing.’
    â€˜Girls!’ Enzo called from across the room. ‘Is there a ­problem?’
    â€˜No!’ Vanessa called back. She picked up one of the brooms.
    â€˜Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ Svetya said. She locked her phone, then placed it in her bag and picked up a broom as well.
    â€˜You admired them, and now they’re missing, and I really –’
    â€˜Vanessa,’ Svetya said, cutting her off, ‘this conversation is over.’
    Then she

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