Dancing With the Devil (The Devil #2)

Dancing With the Devil (The Devil #2) by Heather C. Myers Page A

Book: Dancing With the Devil (The Devil #2) by Heather C. Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather C. Myers
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moment.  A stray strand of hair had fallen in her face, and with a slight brush of his fingers, he curled it over her ear.  His eyes dropped to her eyes, wondering what it was dreamt about.  If she had a nightmare, or if her dreams provided ample recluse from everything that had happened to her that day.  And then there were her lips – those lips that he had barely tasted and yet could not get enough of.  His anticipation was building until the moment when she would pursue a real relationship with him, when they could start working together as a team, rather than apart.  His eyes took in the graceful slope of her long neck, and without stopping himself, trailed his fingers down it.  She shifted in her sleep, but a soft, delighted smile took hold of her lips, and Andrew couldn’t help but smile in return.
    He couldn’t believe something horrible had almost happened to her.  If he hadn’t been outside at the time, didn’t hear a struggle for off…  Andrew didn’t want to think about it, but he knew he was lucky to have prevented such an atrocious act from happening to his Queen.  If Nigel told the truth, next time, he might not be so lucky.
    He needed to leave, to sort this entire mess out.  And hopefully he wouldn’t have to worry about it, that Nigel lied about everything.  Maybe he was.  But Andrew didn’t want to take that chance. 
    Without another thought, Andrew leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Harleen’s forehead, hoping the gentle act wouldn’t wake her.  He wanted nothing more than to do the same action against her lips, but he didn’t want to startle her, and he had already taken too many chances when it came to kissing her.
    When he finished, Andrew swept his eyes over Harleen once again before standing up and straightening, and then headed out the door.  He would solve this if it killed him and brought him back.

Chapter 9
    Strip clubs were prevalent in Hell, though just like on earth, certain places held them in abundance while others didn’t have a trace of them.  Andrew didn’t frequent strip clubs often, and he only did when he stressed out about something.  Currently, he was upset and knew that if he didn’t get out of the castle as fast as possible, he would punch a hole in a wall, and that was the first thing he would do.  Of course he wanted to be with Harleen, to make sure that she was all right, but she seemed to want to be alone.  That was how she dealt with things, and even though it frustrated him, he could respect that.  On the other hand, Andrew highly doubted Harleen would be able to extend to him the same courtesy.  Not that he would blame her.  It was a strip club after all.  But somehow, being anonymous in a hazy environment, he could rationalize problems, come up with solutions, and calm down.
    Andrew should have told Harleen just where he was going and why, but he didn’t want to upset her more than she already was.  He also didn’t want to ruin the relationship they were building.  Yes, it would be a long time coming, but he had made headway with her, and somewhere inside of him, he knew she was beginning to like him.  Telling her about his strip club solution would no doubt ruin all of that, and as a result, he ultimately decided he wasn’t going to bring it up.  Maybe later, but definitely not now.
    He decided to take one of his twelve cars, knowing if he showed up at Benny’s in a carriage, everyone would know exactly who it was, and the media would have a field day.  The drive was twenty five minutes, and the parking lot wasn’t that crowded.  He had black shades on, and his hair was pulled into a small ponytail.  He hoped nobody would recognize him, and if they did, hoped they wouldn’t make a big deal about anything, especially since he did need to relax…
    I’m sure there are other ways to relax , a voice inside his mind taunted.  You shouldn’t be here.
    Andrew banished the thought.  He

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