Dangerous Abduction (O'Connor Brothers Book 2)
if you want to take the boys for some ice cream before you go home.” The light turned green and James proceeded through the intersection.
    “It’s getting kinda late.” She needed to get home and away from him, because he muddled her brain to the point she was pretty close to completely embarrassing herself.
    “Maybe another time.” He sounded disappointed but she was probably reading more into it.
    The rest of the way home was relatively quiet since the boys had dozed off. The soft sound of country music floated from the radio through the cab of the truck and she felt her own eyes getting heavy as they turned onto Hart Street.
    “What the hell?” James pulled his truck in behind a police cruiser parked in front of her house.
    “What’s going on?” Marina leaned forward as James pulled his truck across the street.
    “Stay there and let me find out.” James was out of the truck before she could respond. His command kind of took her off guard but to her surprise it didn’t give her that sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. The one she got whenever Marc gave her a demand.
    She watched as he ran across the road and was met by one of the officers standing in her driveway as another walked out of the house and stood next to James. He towered over the first one, but the second was about the same height. Marina realized the shorter one was female and when the woman touched James on the arm, Marina’s whole body tensed. Being jealous over a woman touching James was ridiculous. He was single and the burning sensation in her stomach had nothing to do with the thought of someone making a play for James.
    She was worried since police were in front of her house and not because that woman could possibly be interested in James. When Danny spoke Marina forced herself to turn around. Anything so she wouldn’t have to watch the way the female officer was gazing up at James.
    She was entertaining the boys by singing with them when the truck door opened. James stood with Aaron or A.J. as everyone called him. Aaron was also a police officer and another ridiculously gorgeous O’Connor brother. What the hell did their parents have in their genes?
    “Marina, I need you to come out here for a minute.” James’ expression was unreadable and Aaron wasn’t giving anything away either. Talk about having a poker face. She encouraged the boys to keep singing so she could hear them outside when the door was closed. The muffled sounds of the boys singing the alphabet song wasn’t making her feel any better.
    “What’s wrong?” Marina glanced at her house as another cop walked into her home.
    “Someone broke into your house. A.J’s been trying to get in touch with you,” James explained as her knees wobbled and she fell back against the truck. He caught her around the waist and helped to steady her.
    “My phone is dead. Who...who would break into my house?” She could barely get the words out she was shaking so badly.
    “Sandy got home about an hour ago and saw your front door open,” Aaron started to explain. Sandy was her neighbor and one of her sister’s close friends. “She noticed your car wasn’t in the driveway and went to check it out.” Sandy worked for the Newfoundland Police Department, but her main job was with Keith O’Connor’s security firm. Marina didn’t know a lot about his business but she did know the men that worked for Keith were highly trained for security.
    “Sandy called the station and A.J. heard the call go out over the radio. He got here a few minutes ago.” James was still holding her and she was glad because she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to stand on her own.
    “Marina, the house has been cleared, but you need to go inside to see if anything is missing,” Aaron said. It was strange to see him so serious, because any time she’d been in his company, he was usually clowning around and flirting with her. She knew he didn’t mean anything by it because she’d been told a long time

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