Dangerous Master

Dangerous Master by Tawny Taylor Page B

Book: Dangerous Master by Tawny Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Taylor
Tags: Fiction, General
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a feeling he was going to do what he could to convince her to say yes. She knew from experience he could be a very convincing man.
    After a quick makeup check, she wobbled up to the building and checked in. Tonight she was carrying a cigarette-lighter camera. She passed through security with no problem. If Zane had warned them, they hadn’t found the camera.
    Inside, she circled around the perimeter of the main dungeon, giving her eyes time to adjust to the dim lighting. She recognized several faces but didn’t see Zane or Clark. She decided to take a stroll down the hallway leading to the private suites.
    There. The tall guy in black. Was that Clark, heading into the last room on the left? Mandy hurried after him, hoping she’d catch him before he was closed inside. She was within reach when someone snagged her arm, jerking her around.
    “Where are you headed in such a hurry?” someone asked. The voice was male but not familiar.
    She twisted to look behind her. Didn’t recognize the face. But it was a very handsome one. His hair was dark brown, on the long side, wavy, sexy. His face was breathtakingly gorgeous. White teeth flashed brightly against his deeply tanned skin. He was big, almost as intimidating as Zane. He clamped a large hand around her upper arm. “Come with me.”
    “Am I in trouble for something?” she asked, stumbling as he pulled her off balance.
    Someone else caught her other arm and pulled in the opposite direction.
    “She’s with me.”
    Mandy knew that voice. Zane.
    The other guy stopped walking, thank goodness. She wouldn’t be torn in two.
    A highly charged stare-down followed.
    “I said, she’s with me, Sorenson,” Zane repeated through gritted teeth.
    Mandy was getting a little buzzed on the testosterone in the air. Either that or she was just übernervous her cover was about to be blown.
    Sorenson released her. “Fine.”
    She didn’t take a deep breath until he was out of sight.
    Zane dragged her into the last room, the one she thought she’d seen Clark duck into, and shut the door. Sure enough, Clark was there, in the center of the room, kneeling, nude, and sporting a hard-on.
    “Sorry for interrupting,” Mandy said, her gaze hopping from Clark to a tense-looking Zane and back again.
    Zane didn’t speak right away.
    “Who was that?”
    “Rolf Sorenson. His brother runs Twilight. You need to stay away from him.”
    Zane extended a hand. “The camera.”
    “If I give it to you, will you return it to me before I leave?”
    He lifted his brows. “Of course.”
    She squinted her eyes at him. “In one piece this time?”
    His lips quirked into a lopsided grin. “Only if you promise I won’t ever see it again.”
    “You have a deal.” She extended a hand and shook on it. Then, when he gave her a meaningful look, she said, “We’re still talking about cameras, aren’t we?”
    Still gripping her hand, he tipped his head. “Are we?”
    “Yes. Cameras. Nothing else. Yet.”
    “Very well.” He extended the hand that wasn’t holding hers.
    She set the lighter camera in his palm.
    He scrutinized it. “Very nice.” In his pocket it went.
    “Yes. And expensive, ” she grumbled.
    “I’ll keep my word if you’ll keep yours.” He patted his pants pocket, the motion drawing her eye down.
    My, that was quite a bulge he had front and center. If he didn’t shove socks down his pants, he was very, very well endowed. Her imagination went wild for a brief moment, picturing Zane nude. It was a glorious picture.
    Don’t go there. You’ll never be able to work for the man if you do .
    Too late.
    She heard herself sigh. “I guess I’ll be going now.” There was no point sticking around to watch Clark scene with Zane. She had nothing to capture the proof. No camera. No video. And clearly Zane wasn’t going to let her bring a camera into any future sessions with Clark or with anyone else, for that matter.
    Why did I even bother tonight?
    Zane leaned in. He was

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