Dangerous to Her

Dangerous to Her by Virna Depaul Page B

Book: Dangerous to Her by Virna Depaul Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virna Depaul
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
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interest in the judge’s cream and blue striped curtains, Mattie shrugged and tried to sound unconcerned. “Our regular bailiff comes back from paternity leave at the end of the month.” When he didn’t answer immediately, she couldn’t stop herself from looking up at him.
    “That may be true, but I stay for as long as I’m needed.”
    Her jaw dropped at his words, stated so calmly but with an undeniable air of challenge. She knew for a fact he was lying. Tilting her chin up, she met his gaze squarely. “I don’t need anything from you, Deputy Jeffries.” Not anymore.
    It was there again, that strange glimpse of amusement when his expression was entirely passive. He lowered his head to hers, his warm breath tickling her ear as he whispered, “Now, that hasn’t always been true, has it, Mattie-mine?”
    She reared back, staring at him as realization grabbed her by the throat and shook her like a rag doll. He did remember her. Any vindication or salve to her ego was overshadowed by suspicion, and the express confirmation that he’d been playing her for a fool and obviously felt no remorse.
    She wasn’t aware that her mouth had fallen open until he nudged it closed with one finger.
    “Did you really think I wouldn’t remember you the instant I saw you?” he said softly. “Or did you just pretend that’s what you believed because it was the safest course?”
    With that final question, he strode from the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.
    She was still staring at the door when Judge Butler chuckled. “Something you want to tell me, Mattie?”
    Startled, she shook her head. “What? Of course not, your honor. Deputy Jeffries is just being overly—”
    “—cautious. Yes, so you said. Are you sure you’re okay?”
    “Yes, I’m fine.” Now there was a whopper of a lie. Dominic’s challenge—and that’s certainly what it had been—had her knees knocking together under her skirt. “Thank you, your honor.”
    Mattie walked to the door and pulled it open just as the judge called to her. She turned with her hand on the doorknob.
    “I’m glad you weren’t hurt today, Mattie.” He rose, placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and squeezed. Uncomfortable with the intensity of his gaze, she stepped away when his touch lingered. He noted her movement, but smiled anyway. “How is Tony doing? You know I’m always here if either of you need me, but I haven’t heard from him in awhile.”
    With a smile that hopefully reflected her appreciation, Mattie responded, “Tony’s fine. Thank you for asking.”
    Raising his arm, Judge Butler showed her the small shopping bag in his hand. He smiled sheepishly. “You know what good friends your parents were to me. Margaret and I wanted to give you a few things. I know times are tough for you now.” He raised his hand to forestall Mattie’s protest. “Nothing lavish. Just a few small gifts for you and Jordan. Tony, too. Would you give it to him?”
    “Of course.” Mattie took the bag he offered. “Thank you again.” Stepping outside, she shut the door, then leaned back against it. She felt strange about the gifts and sincerely hoped they weren’t anything expensive. If they were, she’d give them back. She’d always enjoyed and cherished her relationship with Judge Butler, but lately, something about his interest in her personal life made her uncomfortable. Closing her eyes, she took several slow, deep breaths. Weariness made her limbs heavy. Maybe Dominic had been right. Maybe she should have gone to the hospital, then home.
    “Tough times, Mattie? That wasn’t what I wanted for you at all.”
    Mattie’s eyes popped open. Dominic was leaning against the opposite wall, his arms, muscular biceps bulging, crossed over his chest. Mattie straightened and cleared her throat, her composure quickly eluding her now that she knew he remembered her. Her body. The things they’d done and said to one another. The dreams she’d foolishly

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