her future. It still might but only time would tell. “Okay,” she replied. She wasn’t going to waste her energy trying to figure out a man who intended to be cryptic. He had been careless with her health, granted that was her responsibility as well, but he also didn’t seem to have a high opinion of her – insinuating that she straddled the hoe line. To make things worse she could have fallen pregnant with a man that she was likely never to see again after tomorrow. She didn’t even have his number for Christ’s sake! What a fucking mess she thought as she sat back on the bed waiting for the doctor to arrive. A few minutes later there was a knocking on the door. Val was still in bed contemplating the subject matter that was her life and seeing that Vlad was more appropriately dressed in some sweat pants and a t-shirt, as well as being the resident of the suite, he went to get the door. He hoped it was the doctor as Valerie seemed to have withdrawn into herself when the passions of the previous night’s encounter made way for the burgeoning truth of the morning after. Opening the door he was met with a man that was far shorter than he. He was balding and wore oversized glasses. His attire consisted of brown slacks, a white button down that clung heavily to his mid-section and a pair of sandals – this was a strange choice in shoes but considering that it was a Sunday and they lived a walk away from the beach, it was easy to look past. He moved the briefcase he was holding over to his left hand and proffered the right in greeting as he introduced himself, “Hello, I’m Dr. Mark De Beer”. “Vladimir” he introduced himself and shook the doctor’s hand. “I hope that you can give her the prescription. We couldn’t quite leave the room and I assume doctor-patient confidentiality will be extended to keep things discreet.” “Of course! Always happy to help the tourists who take the time to visit our beautiful country. Where is your girlfriend by the way? It would be better if I had a short consult with her before I gave her any medication.” “She’s not my girlfriend” having no desire to prolong the interaction or explain himself any further than was required, Vlad excused himself and headed to let Valerie know she didn’t have to stress as much seeing that the doctor had arrived. He went into the cupboard and pulled out one of the hotel robes tossing it onto the bed. “Use this to cover up, he’s here.” He watched her as she got up and dropped the towel, revealing the naked form he had spent the previous night and part of this morning getting acquainted with. The sooner this was done, the sooner he could coax her out of her sully mood, and maybe squeeze in one more round for the road. When she was covered up, he led her to the living area and introduced the two. She reached out her hand to shake the doctor’s but he simply gave her and her outstretched hand a dismissive look before turning his attention to address Vlad. “I know we spoke on the phone with regard to emergency contraceptives but I think you need to tell me what happened so I can offer you the best medical advice given the limited resources I brought with,” the doctor asserted in a cool tone. Val was stunned into silence. The doctor was called for her. She was the patient! So why was he ignoring her or worse yet, acting like her presence was a non-entity in this discussion? She was the one who could possibly be carrying a stranger’s baby. Pregnant even before the school year was set to begin – it was a sad cliché and the thought drove into her what poor judgement skills she was actually equipped with. Right now she had to ponder how she had made it this far in life because at this rate she could be dead by year’s end. Vlad’s voice broke into her silent musings. “We had unprotected sex and we don’t want an unplanned pregnancy.” “A baby is the least of your worries when it comes to unprotected sex” the