Dark Refuge
hair. He kept it short most of the time, but it had grown out over the past couple of months. In fact, he’d not cut it since early in the summer, before he and Jace took off on their annual survey of wild wolves. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with hair this long. I like it.”
    “I was thinking I needed to cut it, but if you like it longer, guess that’s something I won’t have to worry about.”
    She cocked her head and frowned at him. “You’d let my opinion sway your decisions?”
    She looked so cute when she frowned that he laughed. “Sweetheart, you are currently sitting on my dick and I want to move so badly I ache. At this point I’ll do whatever you want.”
    She snorted. Then she covered her mouth and blushed. “That wasn’t very sexy, was it?”
    “Actually, it was. It made all your inside muscles tighten around me. I hope you realize you’re killing me here.”
    She wiggled her butt against his thighs and tightened her inner muscles, teasing him. “I think I like the power of this position. I could sit here all day and have you at my mercy.”
    He wrapped his arms around her and had her under him before she even had time to squeak. “We were discussing mercy?”
    “Oh. Yeah.” She linked her fingers behind his neck and pulled herself close. Kissed him with a little tongue and a whole lot of hip movement.
    “Let’s talk about it later.” He thrust his hips forward, careful not to hurt her, but her eyes went wide. He did it again, and then again and she got a dreamy look on her face that assured him she wasn’t in any pain.
    He picked up the rhythm, filling her with every thrust, and then he opened his thoughts once again.
    And found absolutely nothing. She was locked so tight that nothing was getting out. “Open to me, Em. Let me feel what you feel. Sense what you sense. You’ll get the same from me, I promise. It’s the best part about sex, sharing what we experience.
    She frowned, but he sensed her thoughts, the gentle stirring in his mind that told him she was trying. Why was it that Em, a woman who’d known from birth that she was Chanku, would have so much trouble knowing how things worked? Something was wrong. Missing, as if she’d missed a whole section of the learning process of who and what she was.
    Definitely something to look into, but not now. Now it was all about feeling. About wallowing in the smooth slide between those velvet walls clasping him on every thrust, holding him as he pulled back to drive deep again. He adjusted his angle, trying to hit her clitoris on each advance and retreat, and he felt her arousal growing once again. The good thing about worrying about Em’s pleasure was that it helped delay his own. He was still hanging on, still giving her the ride of her life and it was good. It was all good.
    And then it got even better as he caught the first tentative contact of her mind with his, the sense of his thick erection sliding within the tight clasp of her vaginal muscles, the fullness that thrilled her so completely. He gave it back to her—the heat with each stroke, as if he plunged into liquid fire, the rippling slide of her powerful inner muscles enclosing him in a solid grip of surprising strength. He shared the feelings he had when her breasts rubbed against his chest and the taste of her flavors on his tongue when he leaned close and drew her nipple into his mouth.
    She returned the favor, sharing the shock of sensation from nipple, to womb, to clit when his lips surrounded her nipple and he sucked the tip into his mouth.
    All of it, Gabe’s sensations and Em’s, shared and shared again until there was no ending to Gabe, no beginning to Emeline. Until their thoughts fused in a maelstrom of sensation and texture, of desire and fulfillment. Gabe knew he couldn’t last, wouldn’t last from that moment when the coil of heat at the base of his spine exploded, encompassing the ache in his balls and the squeezing pressure encircling his cock. He

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