Darkest Fantasies
she felt nothing but
superiority over him. He was vastly her superior in the muscle
department alone, but at that moment she was the boss. She could do
to him whatever she wanted. Now she wanted to see him all.
    She discovered
the shorts were held in place by a buckle on each hip. She released
them one by one, only to discover the shorts held more surprises
than the man's body alone. In the front his balls were encased in
another tight leather pouch, which she had to release, and at the
back a dildo slid out of his anus when she pulled them from
    She made a
tiny noise of shock and looked over at Madam Tisset, who was now
lounging in a torture chair with her legs crossed. 'Does he enjoy
stuff like that?' she asked, indicating the shorts.
    'The more
uncomfortable you make his privates, the more he can't take his
mind off them. And if it begins to hurt, so much the better. You
see, pain is as near to pleasure as you can get. The slave will get
more pleasure from his erogenous zones being respectively
constricted, forced apart or beaten, as he will from the final act
of ejaculation. The trick is to make him feel a whole multitude of
emotions, ones he cannot control or escape from or assist in, hence
the immobilisation. Over the session these will amalgamate into a
single massive experience which his pea-brain will later tell him
he has enjoyed.'
    She uncurled
from her seat. 'Right, now you're relaxed about it all, we'll look
at the various sexual aids. To start with we'll go through the
insertion tools, go on to the constriction devices - do find out
which ones excite you, never mind what he likes at this moment,
he's there to please you, no more - and once you've done that you
can try out the paddles and whips.'
    'But what if I
hurt him?'
    'I'll add it
to his bill. Right, Ben?'
    Ben nodded and
mumbled again.
    Esther was slightly shocked. 'But I thought I was going to
have to pay him .'
    'Good God,
no,' Madam Tisset scoffed. 'He's not getting all this for free.
What do you think I am, a charitable institution? Now, have a look
at these.' She pulled out a drawer full of stainless steel tools
which would have done justice to a surgeon.
    After some
instruction, and with a little trepidation, Esther practised. She
took the flaccid penis into her hand and tentatively began to
insert one of the long slender tools. Ben's whole body tensed and
quivered as she found the entrance to his urethra and slid the tool
in. There was a small groan from behind the gag. She moved the
probe around, prodding and pulling so the curved end touched
various places inside him. He tensed, and the penis became
    'Is that
right?' she asked uncertainly.
    He nodded,
gasping and shuddering, and a small dribble of liquid slid over her
    'After a while
that can be quite painful. Especially if you make him drink lots of
water and instruct him to hold it,' Madam Tisset said, pouring
herself a cup of tea. 'They can find that quite nice. And that tube
there is quite a good one. If you push that in, then use the bulb
to pressurise it, you can stop them from peeing at all until you
release it. They use that in hospitals for people with
incontinence. It takes a bit of practice to get it in, though, so
perhaps we should leave it until later.'
    'And this?'
Esther asked, becoming more intrigued by the array of
    'Oh, that one
does the same thing at the rear end. You can blow it up like a
balloon inside him, cramp his bowels up something lovely. Go on,
have a try. You might need to use some lubricant - the finger is
the best way of doing that. I've already flushed him out, given him
an enema, so he's not going to do anything nasty. Now, I've got to
go and make some calls to clients. Get on and enjoy yourself, and
just call if you need me. That's an impressive erection you've got
there,' she added admiringly.
    Esther found
herself distanced from reality. She was in a room where a man she
had never seen before was strung up in chains for her

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