
DarklyEverAfter by Allistar Parker Page A

Book: DarklyEverAfter by Allistar Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allistar Parker
Tags: General Fiction
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backyard of our ranch house in the desert. The neighborhood doesn’t know the things from hell, or that Ann still sucks my dick when tell her to. Me? I gamble at the casino, chase the young things in the chorus line, and go to Elvis shows when he is in town.
    Crazy thing is, I listen to the Beatles now.

Chapter Four Jack on the Rocks
    His coal black eyes rolled into his sockets as he sipped the last drop, two fingers of whiskey gone that quick. The room smelled of dirty socks and salty air. The cheap whore from last night lay sprawled across the sheets, her eyes cold and her lips taut. He couldn’t think of anything else but the last vision of his wife leaving home.
    The crunching sound of the ice as he chewed echoed in the room, no window treatments, no soft tapestries on the walls, just those blaring florescent lights and the dark shadows of the corners. He knew better than to look in the shadows. Death hid there. The old spirit of some ghastly vision only seen by drunks and hookers. There was no time to think about it. He had to leave before the cops came.

Chapter Five The Daily Paper
    The newspaper predicted the night too well. In another town and in another dimension, the headline announced another Ripper-like killing in that hotel room, a single whore ripped open, sliced down her abdomen and into her groin, pictured in full color across the front page. The moment I saw her I knew the boy was dead as well. All too often there are Johns around these sweet angels.
    I don’t want to kill them. I have dinner plans, roast duck in a pressed sauce with small red potatoes and a wonderful wine. Friends don’t often come calling and I certainly miss the company of living guests. I shall have to find some way of containing them long enough to deliver this poor, dear fallen angel to her maker.

Chapter Six Scissors
    Decorated in a brilliant red sash, the paper had come every Saturday night for weeks. My destiny delivered to me neatly tied in a ribbon. I never wanted for what I would do with my life nor how I could see my vision of life. It was in the paper on my doorstep by six o’clock.
    I do not know how he knew what would happen or even how he knew it would be me, but there it always was, laid out in print with pictures for me to follow. Perhaps it was a fluke. Maybe he could see the future. Rather, I believed it was by God’s hand that all this came about. Ridding the lovely girls of their sinful ways and delivering from the hell they lived on earth, God answered their prayers. And, of course mine.
    The lust for blood boiled in me often. I resist the urge to leave my guests for just those few moments. Lurking in the corners, down in the shadows, and behind that noisy rattle-trap air conditioner, I find watching those two in carnal sin such a pleasure. Those guttural sounds. Her moans of pleasure I find extremely tantalizing and the perfect complement to the rhythm of my hands on my cock.
    Finally, they are finished. Slouching in the chair fits his demeanor. It is such a contrast to the lovely lady’s glistening body, those beads of sweat rolling across her tummy and down between her legs. She’s ready for relief from this world.
    With the last drop of the bottle gone and while he still sleeps in the chair, I can finally make that picture come true. With the scissors in my hand, it is time.
    Returning to my friends, I find them no less harmed for my absence nor any less ready for dessert. Angel Food Cake with a savory red sauce.

Chapter Seven A Night At the Key Party
    From the moment my eyes caught the view of that woman, I knew I was in for a wild ride. There was the first date where I managed to hook her dress in the revolving door and leaving her standing in the restaurant with nothing more than her panties and bra for coverage. Next came the wedding from hell where we both ate bad fish and spent our honeymoon night puking into

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