Darkness Before Dawn

Darkness Before Dawn by Sharon M. Draper Page B

Book: Darkness Before Dawn by Sharon M. Draper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon M. Draper
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    â€œI wonder how much Coach Jonathan Hathaway knows about her situation. She seemed really angry at him—for more than just yelling at her about practice.”
    Rhonda thought about Coach Hathaway for a moment. “Keisha,” she asked, “Jonathan is always dressed
fine! He’s always walking around raggin’ tough like he’s got mass loot. Where do you think he gets the money? His dad?”
    â€œI’m not sure,” I replied, “but you’re right about his threads. Hey, I gotta go. I’m gonna be too sleepy to study for this test.” I hung up then, and wondered about the evening’s events as I finished my homework.
    Rita never came back to school. At first the story was that she was sick, then everyone figured she was just skipping school, or maybe had moved. School officials couldn’t find her—letters to her mother came back unopened, the phone was disconnected, and no one answered at the door of the last address anyone had for her. Gradually she moved out of almost everyone’s memory.

    Angel was as thin as the sleet that fell most of November. I noticed at school how Angel was getting, but I barely had time to think about it. I was busy with a part-time job at the mall, mass homework, meeting with the other class officers to plan for senior stuff, and trying to figure out all the college material that came in the mail. One Saturday afternoon I ran into Gerald and Angel at the mall. Gerald said he was on his way with Angel to take her to dance class and they were headed to the food court to get a bite to eat.
    â€œWhat’s up, Keisha?” Angel smiled broadly. I think she kinda looked up to me because I was a big-time senior who looked like I had it together. Poor kid. If she only knew how confused I felt.
    â€œNot much. I’m on break from my job—which I’m gonna be quitting soon.”
    â€œHow come?” asked Gerald.
    â€œI’ve just got too much to do. I gotta keep my grades up—at least till I get accepted into college somewhere.”
    â€œAw, Keisha, if your grades ever dipped down like mine do, you’d probably have a heart attack!” Gerald teased me. “Come with me and Angel. I’m gonna
her eat this time!” Angel simply rolled her eyes at him and ordered a salad.
    â€œDon’t you want something else?” I asked Angel.
    â€œWe ordered pizza after practice this morning,” Angel said, but her face said she was lying. “I’m stuffed.” Gerald said nothing, but eyed her suspiciously as he ordered a cheeseburger.
    â€œDancing twice a day? Isn’t that a bit much?” Gerald asked her.
    â€œI’m just trying to get ready for our show. I have a chance for the lead!” Angel’s eyes glowed with excitement and Gerald couldn’t argue with her passion for her dancing.
    I smiled at her as I ordered chicken, chips, and soup and we found a table. “Here, Angel, you can have my soup,” I offered, placing it on Angel’s tray.
    â€œThanks, Keisha,” she said, “but I doubt if I have room for so much food. Have you called Jalani yet?” Angel asked her brother, trying to change the subject. I grinned as we watched Gerald squirm. She knew he liked Jalani—everybody knew it, but he had yet to figure out how to tell Jalani himself.
    â€œNo,” Gerald sighed. “What would a classy girl like Jalani want with a guy like me? I got nothing to offer. She’sbeautiful, she’s got money, she’s almost famous. She even drives a nicer car than I do. I just like looking at her. I wouldn’t embarrass her by trying to talk to her. What would I talk about?”
    â€œGive it a chance, Gerald. She told me she thinks you’re cute!” I added, enjoying this too much.
    â€œYou’re dumb, Gerald,” Angel said as she nibbled at her salad. “You’ve got more class than most of the dudes

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