Darkness Dawns

Darkness Dawns by Dianne Duvall Page B

Book: Darkness Dawns by Dianne Duvall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne Duvall
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal
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in Houston who was with HPD, and he said women always seemed to react badly when he told them he was a policeman. I guess the whole relationship thing must be even harder for you since so much of what you do has to be kept hush-hush.”
    You have no idea.
“It does tend to complicate things.”
    She stifled another yawn.
    “Would you like to go lie down?” he asked. “I’m fine now that you’ve patched me up.”
    “You are
fine,” she protested with a disbelieving laugh. “You’re in pain. You’re miserable. And there’s no way I’m going to leave you alone. Until your friend comes by tonight, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
    He smiled. “Quite a pleasant fate, I admit.”
    She smiled back and started gathering their napkins onto the pizza tray. “Why don’t I clear some of this mess away? Then we can watch a movie or find something on TV to help pass the time.”
    “Sounds good.” Heart light despite the many aches bombarding him, he watched her carry the tray to the kitchen.

Chapter 4

    Roland awoke as the sun was setting, his body wracked with pain. It took several minutes of intense concentration before he was able to distance himself from it enough to open his eyes and take in his surroundings.
    The television was on, tuned to a news channel, the volume low.
    He was lying on his back on the futon, his left leg bent at the knee and resting against the cushioned back. His right leg was stretched out with his foot hanging off the end. What utterly astonished him and nearly made him forget the pain, however, was Sarah, who was sprawled atop him, peacefully ensconced in slumber.
    Her cheek was pillowed by his chest. Emitting a pleasant citrus scent, her hair again clung to his stubbled jaw and fell across his shoulder in curly disarray. One of her small hands loosely clutched his shoulder. The other was tucked into his side. Her full breasts warmed his stomach. Her hips rested against his groin, arousing him despite his discomfort.
    Damn, but it felt good.
    Giving in to temptation, he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her silky hair.
    She stirred, her hand tightening on his shoulder as she snuggled closer, then fell still.
    He hadn’t slept with a woman in the literal sense in over nine centuries, refusing to let down his guard enough to experience such intimacy as this. Not even with Mary, who had feigned such devotion. He had obeyed the proprieties when he had courted Mary and, fearing her reaction when she found out what he was, had never left himself so vulnerable.
    But Sarah didn’t know what he was and he had no intention of telling her. He didn’t want to see the same loathing in her eyes that had darkened Beatrice’s or the fear that had widened Mary’s.
    To Sarah, he was just a man.
    His body hardened even more when he remembered the way her heartbeat had sped up at his touch.
    Her pulse was slow and steady now, the blood in her veins calling him to come and satiate his hunger. As he listened to the steady thrum of it, his own heart began to pound.
    Roland slid one hand up her back, tunneling through soft, thick curls, and rested his fingers upon the satiny skin of her neck just over her pulse.
    What would she taste like? Sweet like her smiles? Or spicy like her daring spirit?
    Would drinking from her merely dull the pain? Or would it set him aflame?
    His body was struggling to heal itself. The need for blood lacerated him.
    Roland felt his fangs descend and lengthen.
    Just one taste. Sarah is sleeping. She need never know.
    He could ease her up his chest, lower his lips to the delicate skin of her throat….
    Groaning, Roland drew his tongue across her pulse … then froze.
    Rearing back, he stared down at her in dismay.
    When had he moved her?
    One second he had been wondering what she would taste like and the next his lips had been on her flesh. Was he that close to losing control?
    He forced his fangs to retract.
    “Sarah.” He shook her gently.
    She didn’t

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