rid our land of their evil shadow.’
Turn to 180 .
Using the Brotherhood Spell Levitation you are able to counter the speed of your descent. Unfortunately, Lord Constable Nathor does not possess the same ability and, as you are beginning to slow down, he comes screaming past you, his eyes and mouth wide with terror.
You stretch out and make a grab for his cloak as he hurtles past. You manage to get a grip and hold on fast, but as you are nearing the ground, his cloak comes undone and he falls the last twenty feet to the flagstoned keep. Upon landing, you discover that Nathor is still alive, but his left ankle is badly broken and his face is cut and bruised. Despite his obvious pain he manages a smile, revealing gaps where he is now missing two of his teeth.
Bravely Nathor stifles his urge to scream as you take hold of his shattered ankle. You summon your healing powers and transmit them through your hands to the injured foot (reduce your ENDURANCE points score by 4). You feel the warmth of your power start to reduce the swollen tissues and mend the broken bone, but before you can complete the cure, a yelling horde of bogus castle guardsmen come rushing from out of the gatehouse with their swords drawn. You unsheathe your weapon and crouch in readiness to meet their manic attack.
Castle Guardsmen (impostors): COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 48
If you win this fight, turn to 93 .
Suddenly an explosion of white light fills your vision and the taste of blood fills your mouth: you have been hit in the head by an armour-piercing arrow. Mercifully, death is virtually instantaneous.
Sadly, your life and your journey home come to an abrupt end here, in the cold, dark waters of the River Reloni.
You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Slow Fall and then leap from the rocky slab to where the Sun-crystal is lying, wedged among the rocks. The spell slows your descent, and you are able to land easily. With a growing sense of awe, you take hold of the warm crystal and turn to look back at the Shadow Gate in order to gauge your throw.
The halo of energy which surrounds the Shadow Gate begins to crackle fiercely, and your Kai instincts tingle with a strange and sinister premonition. You can sense that, on the Plane of Darkness, Naar has just consigned his newest champions to the Shadow Gate. His mighty dragon herd is on its way to Magnamund.
As the first rays of the dawn sun spread across the surrounding rocks, you draw back your arm and hurl the Sun-crystal into the gaping maw of the Shadow Gate.
Turn to 350 .
You yell at the drunken thug, calling him a ‘cowardly snake’ in his native Eldenoran tongue. Unfortunately, this taunt does not distract him for long. In fact it makes the situation worse — he seems more frightened and murderous now than he was before.
He snarls as he raises his dagger and you are forced to rush headlong towards him in a desperate attempt to prevent him from wounding his innocent captive's child.
Turn to 311 .
You sleep well and rise with the cock's crow. When you reach the stable, you discover the innkeeper has already prepared your horse, ready for your departure. You thank him and wave farewell to the cheerful man and his daughter as you set off on the road north to Varetta.
It is midday when you catch your first glimpse of this ancient city. Positioned on a large plateau in the centre of a grassy plain, the blood-red walls and towering spires of Varetta look doubly impressive. As you approach the south gate, you admire the carvings which embellish the city's walls. They depict great dragons with snake-like bodies that intertwine as they flow around the towers and bastions of this ancient city.
The guards at the gate allow you to enter without challenge, and you pass through the grand southern entrance which leads to a flagstoned square.
If you have ever visited Varetta before in a previous
Lone Wolf
adventure, turn to 284 .
If you have never visited this city
J. M. Darhower
Craig McGray
Janette Oke
James P. Blaylock
Morton A. Meyers
Raven McAllan
Stephen Solomita
Cora Carmack
Charlene Sands
Seymour Blicker