Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
doing. Chloe felt sorry for him.
    She held the ring up. “Here,” she said. “You can get a decent amount for this.”
    “Are you sure?” the vampire said.
    Chloe nodded. James gave the vampire an inquiring look and he inclined his head. Crossing the room, James reached for the ring.
    Their fingers brushed together. Chloe felt nothing.
    Then James and Jenny left and she was alone in her apartment with the vampire.
    Slowly, the tension drained from her shoulders and Chloe slumped in her seat, suddenly exhausted. “Um... thanks,” she said.
    The vampire shrugged. “It is safer here than at a hotel.”
    Chloe didn't even have the energy to ask why the apartment was safer. Other vampires couldn't enter. That technically made it safer. Since the vampire was no doubt paranoid about getting bound up and tossed in a concrete foundation again, she could hardly begrudge him his precautions.
    And she had her apartment back. The place where she had grown up out of college and moved forward.
    She looked around. When my lease is up, Chloe thought, maybe I should get a new place. Can't get too comfortable.
    She stood up and brushed her hands off with sharp, brisk movements, as though to brush off the last three years of her life. “Well,” she said, “that's settled. What would you like to do? There's a television, that shows pictures and stories from around the globe, it might help get you caught up. And that over there is a computer. It's kind of slow, but I guess you won't know the difference. It's like a typewriter, but hooked up to a billion other typewriters and they all have books and books of stuff in them. Some of the books are badly written and really weird and some are downright scary, but it could help bring you up to speed, too. Or, I mean, I guess you could ask me questions...”
    “I'd rather fuck you until you screamed my name,” the vampire said.
    Chloe's brain ground to a halt.
    “Oh,” she said.
    His mouth quirked up at the corner. “You find this objectionable?”
    She licked her lips. “Uh. I thought when you said you wanted to fall into bed with a beautiful woman that you were just being nice to me and taking care of my... um... ex-fiance problem.”
    The vampire's eyes widened in shock. “I beg your pardon?” he said. “I was nothing but truthful in that regard. I will show you such a diverting time, Miss Chloe Banks, that you will forget all about your other troubles—which are now considerably less. You're welcome.”
    A red hot blush spread up her neck to her face. “I mean... I'm not beautiful. I'm just the first woman you've seen in the past one hundred and one years...” She looked down at her body and realized her chest and stomach were exposed. The blush became nuclear and she hurriedly grabbed her blouse and pulled it around her.
    Nothing could completely hide the rolls she hated, or the softness of her too-bountiful form, but at least she could cover everything up in her librarian's uniform. Cute tweed skirts and soft layers that wrapped her up and obscured all the bits she hated, with sensible black pumps to make her legs appear shapely. That was what she was comfortable with. Not running around with no bra and her blouse open.
    She stared hard at the Berber carpet, trying to suppress her humiliation.
    “Good heavens,” the vampire said. “Do you really think that? I assure you, I have seen quite a few women since rising from my inconvenient slumber. Aside from the fact that they would all be significantly easier to bed as they would be susceptible to my suggestions, I would prefer you any day of the week. Why do you think I've stuck around and helped you with your ex-fiance problem?”
    “Because you're a nice guy deep down underneath?” Chloe hazarded.
    The vampire started to protest, then chuckled. “Perhaps I am. But don't go telling anyone that. Now, where were we?”
    He crossed the room to stand in front of her. She had to force herself to look up into his fathomless eyes,

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