Deadly Ties

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Book: Deadly Ties by Jaycee Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaycee Clark
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Family Life
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didn’t matter then. Doesn’t matter now. The adoption was finalized and Ryan was all I cared about.”
    Gavin opted to just stay silent. The more she talked, the more questions arose.
    Her voice continued, but it no longer sounded like a gentle summer breeze. There was no emotion there, nothing. “But, looking back, it was for the best I think. Charles didn’t want a family and I did.”
    “Then why did you adopt Ryan?”
    The more he learned of her, the more questions he needed answered. Like yesterday. The more time he spent with Taylor and Ryan, the more he found he liked spending time with them.
    Yesterday evening and last night they’d stolen his thoughts. Ryan was a cute and intelligent kid and Taylor…. Taylor fascinated him. She was gentle and caring, not his usual ilk of women. He went for the fun-time type. Classy and polished usually, like Scarlett. None that he would consider anything serious with.
    Then what exactly was he doing with Taylor?
    Gavin guessed the conversation was over since she hadn’t answered him yet.
    “I adopted Ryan because I had to,” she whispered, finally answering his question. A watery laugh and a wipe under her eyes gave him another glimpse into her as did her words. “I can’t go into what happened to him, not now. Not today. But when I saw him, the more time I spent with him... Well, I fell in love with him. I know that makes no sense. None at all. I never could get Charles to understand it. And then I just quit trying. He waited on the divorce until after the adoption and that was all I wanted. Time enough for Ryan to become mine. Then, as far as I was concerned, Mr. Charles Shepard could do whatever the hell he wanted.”
    Anger and a bit of resentment there. “He hurt you.”
    She started to shake her head, then stopped. “Yeah, a bit. Or maybe I let myself get hurt.
    It’s more the hindsight thing, if you know what I mean. Charles is Charles and always will be.
    Now, I don’t know if I’m angrier at him or myself.”
    Gavin took a chance. “There is more to this story than you’re telling.”
    Again, Taylor shifted. “Probably. Suffice it to say, I have a hard time getting over infidelity.”
    He ran his tongue over his smooth teeth. “Idiot guy.”
    “Oh, but Rhonda doesn’t think so.” A sugary smile deepened her dimples.

    “The newer model. You know, buxom, curvaceous, without a cluttering thought in her head. Perfect for Charles, actually.”
    “So you divorced the two-timer.” He made it a statement not a question. “Can’t say as I blame you there, the divorce and moving and all. I have a problem with infidelity myself. Guess I’m either old fashioned or just selfish. But what is mine stays mine.” He looked straight into her brown eyes. “I don’t share.”
    Fidelity was at the top of his list. He figured if a woman cheated on him, he didn’t need her. If he hadn’t meant enough to her for her to remain faithful, then she wasn’t worth his time.
    Then again most women would see his occupation as his mistress; colleagues of his had warned him. “Neither do I, but he wanted to file long before I walked in on his side show. He filed a month after the adoption was final, and as soon as the divorce was stamped, sealed and notarized, he flew to Mexico and married Rhonda.”
    Gavin knew there was even more here than she was telling, but the waitress chose that moment to bring them their food.
    Taylor picked up her fork. “So what happened with Miss Scarlett?”
    Gavin speared himself a golden fried shrimp. “I told her from the beginning that I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship right now. And after canceling plans again on Saturday in lieu of family obligations…. Well, Scarlett had enough.” Though she had called him last night to gripe at him some more for being more interested in his job and family than sex with her. No, Scarlett was no longer a problem.
    “Wow, a free man. You must be so happy.”
    His next

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