Deadman's Switch & Sunder the Hollow Ones
wink, she spins on him, grasping, reaching out with her hungry arms.
    â€œShit!” he yells, ducking just out of reach. He edges toward the column. “God damn thing was waiting for me to do that!”
    I almost argue with him, but don’t. Moving quietly, keeping entirely in her blind spot, I move up close behind her. I grip the machete in both hands, testing its weight, noting the sliminess of her congealed blood on the handle. I shudder, knowing I’m also covered in the same stuff, but there’s little I can do about that now. If anything, the tackiness will help me keep my grip.
    Reggie begins to circle around the column, making sure Mabel follows.
    â€œYou better do something quick, guys!”
    I step up behind her and raise my arms. Mabel shuffles toward him, deceptively slowly, unbelievably fast.
    He comes into view around the column.
    â€œReggie! Look out!”
    Mabel spins toward Ashley’s voice just as I bring the machete down. But instead of slicing through her neck, the blade misses, leaving only a deep gouge on one side. A chunk of neck muscle sloughs off. Clumps of half-clotted blood gurgle forth. How can she still have so much blood inside of her? The blade pings off the column and snaps.
    White hot flames shoot up my arms. My sprained wrist sings from a million pin pricks. I drop the broken machete and stumble away, holding my arms stiffly out in front of me, grunting in pain.
    â€œHey!” Reggie yells. He picks up the stump of her arm and heaves it at her. It bounces off her face and lands on the floor. The movement distracts her. I see Reggie bend down and grab the broken machete. When she turns back to him, he swings it up.
    It seems to slice right through her neck, and yet she takes another step toward him. Reggie falls backward, tripping over the hand. Mabel steps again, and then collapses. Her head tilts away from her body as she falls. She hits the ground and rolls left. Her head rolls right.
    Nobody says anything for a moment, then Kelly’s by my side, trying to pull me to my feet.
    â€œDon’t touch me!” I scream. “I’m covered!”
    I lean over and open my mouth and puke up the half-digested remains of the Insta-Meals. It comes out blood red.
    Ashley screams. Kelly jumps back, his eyes refilling with horror.
    â€œMaraschino cherries,” I manage to gasp, smelling the sickly sweet aroma. “I knew it was a bad idea to eat those things. And don’t you dare call me Pukegirl.”
    â€  † †
    Sometime later, after I’ve gotten over the shock of the attack and the bloodbath, I stagger to my feet and over to the security door. Kelly’s and Reggie’s eyes rise and track me, but no one else looks. They’re still in shock.
    â€œDon’t open it,” Kelly whispers. But I slip the cardkey from my pocket and slide into the reader. The light turns green. I already know what I’m going to see. I’d caught a glimpse of it when Mabel came barreling out.
    â€œNot yet,” Reggie whispers. “I…can’t. Not yet.”
    I can see his throat working. He closes his eyes and leans against the wall. The muscles in his face ripple as he tries to control his emotions.
    â€œWe need to know,” I say.
    â€œWe’ve got Stephen.”
    â€œThat’s if we can find him,” I remind them. “He took off when things started getting bad. Remember?”
    â€œI told you guys,” Jake whines. “I told you he’d take off.”
    â€œNot now,” Reggie says, his voice low and full of warning.
    â€œNo! You guys never listen to me. I said we should’ve done something with him before. Now, who knows where he is and who he’s going to bring back.”
    â€œWho is he going to bring back, Jake? You didn’t see what’s inside that hallway. I did. There’s no one to bring back.”
    â€œUm, guys,” Ashley says. She points across the empty ticketing

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