Death of an Immortal

Death of an Immortal by Duncan McGeary Page B

Book: Death of an Immortal by Duncan McGeary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duncan McGeary
Tags: Fiction, Gothic, Fantasy, Horror, dark fantasy, Vampires
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planned to admit it. “I mean, I met her a couple of times.”
    “‘Met’ her?” From her tone, Terrill realized Sylvie knew what Jamie had been doing in Portland.
    “For business. She came to me for a life insurance policy. I represent Prestigious Insurance.”
    “Oh.” She was obviously disappointed. Then she realized what he’d said. “Insurance?”
    “She wanted to make sure that you were provided for––a college fund, as it happens.”
    “We’ve already got the five thousand from her savings account,” the girl said. “It came in handy; we were late with the mortgage. Howard lost his job a couple years ago and the unemployment checks have stopped coming. His Social Security isn’t enough.”
    “Well, that’s just it,” Terrill said, more and more sure he was doing the right thing. “This payment is contingent on your going to college. It can’t be used for anything else.”
    Sylvie didn’t look happy or unhappy. She just stared at the ground for a few moments. “That’s too bad, because I’m not leaving Mom until she is in good shape,” she said. “Which may be never.”
    “I’m sorry. The terms are quite specific. The money can only be accessed as long as you are in college.”
    She shrugged and gave him a lopsided smile. Her goofy demeanor and classic good looks were irresistible. Jamie was right. She needed to get out of this small town.
    “You can’t live their lives for them,” he said.
    “That’s what Jamie always said. And yet, that’s exactly what she did for me, despite me telling her not to.”
    Sylvie would have had every right to ask him what business of it was of his, but instead, she again got that curious look on her face. “You knew her for more than business, didn’t you?”
    He didn’t say anything, but the answer must have been written on his face. Sylvie laughed, and it was as if she didn’t have a care in the world: a delighted laugh. “I knew it! You’re just her type, all doomed and gloomy.”
    He tried to think of what to say. “Yes, I was screwing your sister. For money.” No, that wouldn’t do.
    “Don’t worry,” Sylvie continued. “I know what Jamie was doing––but knowing her, she was trying to be more than just… just a…”
    “She was more,” he said. “To me.”
    “Yeah, that’s Jamie. Making every job the most important job in the world, whether it’s babysitting or flipping hamburgers or being a… being a whore.”
    Terrill stared at her in bafflement.
    “You’re wondering how I can say that,” Sylvie said. “You’re wondering why I’m not crying, why I can still laugh. Well, mister, someday I’ll cry. Maybe I’ll never stop crying, but not now.”
    “She talked about you,” he said.
    “Oh, let me guess. Her brainy sister? Her amazing sister? Well, Jamie always was a little starry-eyed. I’m not like that. Jamie just got unlucky, that’s all. She met the wrong guy at the wrong time. It happened, and now I have to take care of Mom. And Howard, even Howard. He isn’t a bad guy, just sort of pathetic.”
    Terrill could see she wasn’t going to change her mind. It was time for a change of plans. “She made me executor of the policy,” he said. “It says that you have to stay in school, but doesn’t say where or for how long. I’m sure we can find a way.”
    “You sure you can’t just give me the money?”
    If I have to, I will, Terrill thought. But having gotten a good look at her parents, he suspected that Sylvie would end up seeing very little of it.
    “Why don’t we meet for lunch tomorrow?” he suggested.
    “OK. We can meet at the Black Bear restaurant at 1:30. That’s my lunch break.”
    “I thought you were going to the community college?”
    For the first time, she looked troubled. It was as if the frown didn’t fit her face, as if she was pressing the lines into her perfect skin. The expression disappeared as quickly as it appeared. “I had to drop out. We can talk about that

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