Deceit of Angels

Deceit of Angels by Julia Bell Page B

Book: Deceit of Angels by Julia Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Bell
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he replaced the
receiver.  “This is an unexpected visit,” he said dryly. 
wasn’t sure if he was pleased or angry, but she didn’t wait to find out. 
Closing the door behind her, she made her way back to the kitchen. 
I’d like to be a fly on the wall in there,” said Mrs Wilby, laughing.

    J ason
felt irritated.  There was no reason for Kiera to visit him like this, their
solicitors were in negotiations and everything would be sorted out in due
you like to sit down?” he said quietly.
took a seat opposite him and realised with some amusement that he preferred to
stay behind his desk.  How typical, she thought, he has to stay in control, as
though he was still the boss.
come to discuss the divorce settlement and I want to…”
didn’t let her finish.  “For goodness sake! Did you have to drive all the way
from Bristol to talk about that?  We’ve already discussed the terms and I’ve
instructed my solicitor.  You should hear…”
time it was Kiera’s turn to interrupt.  “You don’t have to jump down my
throat!  Anyway, I don’t want your damned money!”
sat forward in surprise.  “What on earth are you talking about?  What are you
going to live on if you don’t accept the settlement?”  Suddenly he realised.  “Oh,
I understand.  Peter wants to look after you.  Well, good for him!  However, I
would like to support my own daughter, if you don’t mind.”  
looked down at her hands clenched together on her lap.  “Of course you must
support Hollie,” she said softly.
let out an exasperated breath.  “OK, if that’s the way you want it, I’ll tell
my solicitor that the arrangements have changed.”  He watched his wife
curiously for a few seconds before asking, “I suppose you and Peter will marry
as soon as the divorce goes through?”
looked up and he was stunned to see large tears brim from her eyes and roll
slowly down her cheeks. 
gone back to his wife,” she said almost in a whisper.
first Jason felt elation but then realised that that was unworthy of him. 
see,” he said.  He puzzled for a moment.  “I don’t understand.  Then you’ll
need the money.  Unless you’re thinking of going back to work full-time?”
knew that Kiera had found herself a part-time job as an accountant at a
building society, but he couldn’t imagine that she was earning enough money to
keep herself in the manner she liked.
I’m not thinking of going back full-time.  In fact, I’m contemplating giving up
work altogether.”            
shook his head in bewilderment.  “What’s this all about, Kiera?  Why have you
come to see me?  Do you want sympathy for the way Peter has treated you?  Well,
I am sorry but I can’t do anything about that.”
I’m ill and I might die.”  Her voice was almost inaudible, but he heard.
was as if her statement had hit him physically and he jerked back in his chair.
gave a faint smile.  “I’ve been diagnosed with a brain tumour.  It’s
inoperable, so they’re going to try alternative treatment.”
said it in such a matter-of-fact way that at first, he found it difficult to
speak.  After a couple of stunned seconds he rose slowly from his chair. 
Taking another one from its place by the wall, he dragged it across the carpet
and came to sit closer to her. 
leaned forward and took her hands in his.  “I’m so very, very sorry,” he said
looked down at his hands closed round hers.  “It’s a long time since you’ve
held my hand.”
I think the occasion demands it.”
let out a breath.  “We need to talk about Hollie.  I have to go into hospital
on Monday to start treatment.  I thought that she could come to stay with you
while I’m there?  Perhaps she could stay from tomorrow?”

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