
DefeatedbyLove by Samantha Kane

Book: DefeatedbyLove by Samantha Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Kane
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odds? That Harry’s long-lost wife should show up on your
doorstep, begging for help? I can’t believe you agreed.” He turned and stared
at the closed door for a second. “But then again, I can. There’s just something
about her, isn’t there?”
    The wistful tone of his voice set off warning bells for
Daniel. “Don’t even think about it. Neither one of us is going to save her. I
can’t find Harry for her, which is what she wants, and you can’t fuck her
problems away.”
    Simon huffed in annoyance. “I’m sure I don’t know what
you’re talking about.”
    “Ha,” Daniel said without rancor. “I know you. A damsel in
distress has your cock hard enough to pound nails. She’s tailor-made for your
fascination with saving the world one needy woman—or man—at a time. A tumble in
bed with you will not solve her problems. It will only exacerbate them. She’s
in trouble because she was lonely and randy and if I don’t miss my guess she’s
still both of those, judging by the way you two were eating each other up with
your eyes.” He paused and rolled his eyes. “No, that’s not right. You were
actually eating each other up when I arrived, weren’t you?”
    “I would love nothing more than to eat her up one lick at a
time,” Simon said, but his tone was rueful rather than lascivious. “But even I
can see that she’s not that sort of woman and that a tumble with me, as you put
it, would not help in this instance.”
    Daniel regarded him curiously. “You were taken with her when
you thought she was a strumpet, weren’t you? Before you knew she was in
trouble.” This was new and not at all like Simon.
    “Yes and no,” Simon said, dusting off his lap and crossing
his legs. “I figured a pregnant strumpet who somehow found herself in your
breakfast room was in some sort of trouble.”
    “Yes, well, she is. I didn’t actually take her seriously at
first, but then someone tried to kidnap her the moment she walked out of my
house last night.”
    “What?” Simon shook his head. “I seem to be saying that
quite a bit this morning. It’s growing tedious. Just tell me the whole story
and be done with it.”
    “She claimed her in-laws were going to do her in. I didn’t
believe her. I refused to help. She graciously accepted my refusal and left.
I’d barely had time to digest her outrageous tale and the mere existence of her
when I heard her scream, ran outside and saw a ruffian attempting to drag her
into a carriage. I gave chase, the carriage took off, a man jumped out of the
shadows, leaped onto the carriage and grabbed her, jumping to safety. She
fainted, I had a drink, and the next thing I knew she was staying here
    Simon blinked several times, incredulity on his face. “I’m
not sure where to start.”
    “Exactly,” Daniel agreed.
    “Wait, yes I do. Who was the mysterious man who jumped out
of the shadows? One of Barnabas’ men?”
    “No. The tale grows more outrageous. It was an old friend of
mine, who still lives down the street.”
    “You jest,” Simon said with a laugh.
    Daniel shook his head. “I do not. Robert and I grew up
together and got into all kinds of scrapes.”
    “Now that is the most plausible thing I’ve heard in the last
few minutes.” Simon tapped a fork against the table and Daniel reached over and
took it from him. He didn’t want the wood scratched. “How did this Robert just
happen to appear when you needed him?”
    A knock sounded at the door before Daniel could answer and
Matheson opened the door. “Constable Manderley to see you, sir.”
    Daniel laughed in astonishment. “Apparently he has a talent
for it,” he told Simon. “Show him in,” he said to Matheson.
    “Is that him?” Simon asked.
    “Indeed it is.”
    “Constable?” Simon said with a raised brow. “You left that
part out.”
    “Indeed I did,” Daniel said unrepentantly.
    “You are living dangerously, my friend,” Simon warned him.
“If he finds out about your

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