Defiant Brides

Defiant Brides by Nancy Rubin Stuart Page B

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Authors: Nancy Rubin Stuart
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    Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, 87, 117, 125, 128
    La Rochefoucauld, Francois de la, 181–182
(British ship), 4
    Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 186
    Royal Gazette
(New York newspaper), 119, 120, 154
    Sabine, Lorenzo, 205–206
    Sage, John, 201, 203
    Saint John Gazette
(Canadian newspaper), 154, 156
    St. Mary’s Church at Battersea, 191, 210–211
    Saltonstall, Gurdon, 126
    Saratoga, Battle of, 210
    Saratoga National Historic Park, 210
    Scammel, Alexander, 107
    Schaack, Peter Van, 137
    Schuyler, Philip, 49, 50, 52, 53, 76, 88
    Second Continental Dragoons, 7
    Secret History of the American Revolution, The
(Van Doren), 212
    Sewall family, 155
    Shays, Daniel, 152
    Shays’s Rebellion, 152–153, 159
    Shelburne, Earl of (William Petty-FitzMaurice), 137
    Shewell, Robert, 42
    Shippen, Edward (Peggy’s father), 4; Arnold disinterested in wealth of, 46; attempts to prevent Peggy’s exile, 111, 112; on Betsy’s marriage to Neddy Burd, 47; as chief justice of Penna. Supreme Court, 201–202; fear of Continental army, 40; friendship with Washington, 12–13; introduced to Arnold, 45; lack of communication with Peggy, 189; meeting with Quaker women, 3; Peggy admits sacrifices to, 140; Peggy as favorite of, 10, 11; on Peggy’s wedding, 50, 54; political views of, 11, 12; portrait of, 177–178; removes family from Philadelphia, 11–12; repurchase of Mount Pleasant, 138–139; return to Philadelphia, 12; told of Peggy’s illness and death, 204; view of Peggy’s popularity, 5–6
    Shippen, Edward (Peggy’s grandfather), 50
    Shippen, Edward V. “Neddy” (Peggy’s brother), 12–13
    Shippen, Elizabeth (Peggy’s sister).
Burd, Elizabeth (
    Shippen, Margaret, “Peggy.”
Arnold, Margaret, “Peggy” (
    Shippen, Margaret Francis (Peggy’s mother), 5–6, 157
    Shippen, Mary (Peggy’s sister), 4, 5, 11
    Shippen, Sally (Peggy’s sister), 4, 5, 11
    Shippen, William (Peggy’s uncle), 12
    Shippen family: on accusations against Peggy, 109; charges against Arnold and, 51, 53; disgust with Benedict, 111; fears for Peggy’s situation, 139; preoccupied with marriage of Betsy, 46–47
    Shoemaker, Rebecca Warner Rawle, 121, 123–124, 131
    “Sketch of Mrs. Henry Knox” (Ellet), 206
    smallpox: contracted by Knox infant, 140; outbreak of, 28; “variolation” against, 28, 31–32
    Smith, Abigail Adams “Nabby,” 160–161
    Smith, Elizabeth Gordon, 82
    Smith, Joshua Hett: abandons André behind American lines, 93, 104, 116; capture and imprisonment of, 101, 112; “loose character” of, 94; ordered to escort André, 92–93; quarrels with Arnold and Varick, 90, 93–94; questionable loyalties of, 82; on Robinson’s property, 88; tenant farmers of, 88, 89, 91
    Smith, Oliver, 171
    Smith, William, 82
    Society of Friends (Quakers), 3, 4–5
    Society of the Cincinnati, 144, 179
    “Soldier’s Joy,” 141
    Southwark Theatre (Philadelphia), 5
    Sparks, Jared, 126–127
    Spencer, George (Lord Spencer), 188
    “stag dance,” 141
    Stanley, William, 211
    Stansbury, Joseph, 62–63, 64
    Stedman, Charles, 14
    Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus Von, 39, 142
    Stirling, Dorothy Willing (Peggy’s cousin), 135
    Stirling, Lord (William Alexander), 142
    Stirling, Walter, 135, 136
    Stony Point: captured by Clinton, 58, 67; recaptured by Wayne, 68, 78
    “Strictures Upon the Philadelphia Meschianza
[sic]. . .,
” 14
    Strong, Caleb, 196
    Sullivan, William, 205
    Sun Assurance Company, 156, 158
    Supreme Executive Council (of Pennsylvania): Arnold’s application for pass from, 48; exiles Peggy from Pennsylvania, 111–112; formal charges against Arnold, 51, 60; orders search for Arnold’s papers, 109; Pennsylvania governed by, 42–43; Reed’s presidency of, 48; smear campaign against Arnold, 50–51, 61, 107; Washington’s relations with, 64–65
    Surrey, Lord, 136–137
    Sutherland, Andrew, 92, 94
    Swan, James (Caroline Knox’s husband), 199, 206
    Symonds, Commodore Thomas,

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