
Deliverance by Adrienne Monson Page B

Book: Deliverance by Adrienne Monson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Monson
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shook the unhealed wounds all over her body.
    It was the same moment Arthur came into her cell.
    “I see my immortals have done their work well.” He approached and a familiar face entered behind him. Leisha couldn’t remember his name, but knew she’d seen him at the shack three years ago when the immortals had tried to steal her newborn baby from her.
    She stopped her body from sobbing when they entered, but her stomach quivered with the effort.
    “I think we’re ready to begin the questioning. Willem has been patiently waiting for his task in all this. I’ve allowed him the privilege of torturing you while I get the information I want. He wanted to be the one to break you, and it certainly looks like you’re ready, doesn’t it?” He sounded downright jovial as he explained everything.
    Arthur picked up a scalpel from the buffet of weapons available to anyone who entered. He walked to Leisha and held his hand over her head, hovering a few inches above it. He then proceeded to nick one of his fingers. Two very small drops fell onto her tongue. Leisha didn’t even get to swallow them. The blood absorbed directly into her taste buds.
    Because it was immortal blood, it was enough to allow her to produce saliva again. She let her mouth fill with it, then swallowed in an attempt to soothe her dry throat.
    “All right, Willem,” Arthur waved the younger looking man forward. “Feel free to do whatever you like, just as long as she can still speak.”
    Nodding, Willem strode to the table and grabbed the dull, rusted knife. Why do they always go for the dull one? And the rusty one certainly took its toll on her. Willem moved to her feet and pushed the blade deep between her big toe and her second one. Leisha gasped and tried not to show the distress on her face. He moved to the next section and the next until all the sensitive areas between each of her toes had been severed to her heel.
    “I don’t suppose you’re going to make this easy on all of us and just tell me where your child is,” Arthur ventured. When Leisha glared at him, he snickered. “It’s probably for the best. Willem tells me he has much planned for you. I’d hate to deprive him.”
    The subject of discussion took that opportunity to slice off the bottom of her foot at her Achilles heel. He cut through the muscle there and ripped off the entire section. Leisha cried out. Her foot was throbbing in time with her heart. She wasn’t sure if she could take more.
    But she did, as Willem gave her the same treatment on the other foot, then grabbed a different knife to dig under her knee caps. All the while, Arthur asked many questions that Leisha refused to answer.
    By the time Willem was working her hip bones out of their sockets, she was screaming at the top of her lungs, “I don’t know! I don’t know anything! I don’t know where he is anymore!” It was all she said, and it was mostly true. She had no idea which ship her smuggler associate would have put them on, and they probably had already docked, which meant that Nikita could have taken Liam and Samantha anywhere by now.
    Amidst her screaming, Leisha registered that the large door to her cell had opened, but didn’t think much of it until she heard a throaty feminine voice. “What the hell is this?”
    Forcing her eyes opened, Leisha saw Rinwa standing just inside the room. Her sunglasses covered her eyes and her mouth was pinched into a moue. “Is this why you’ve been sending me out on those menial tasks,” her daughter demanded of Arthur. “You’ve been keeping me busy because you didn’t want me to be here while you tortured my mother!”
    Before Arthur could reply, Willem went to her. “Rin, we finally got her! After all this time of hunting her down. Can you believe it? I wanted it to be a surprise for you. I know how much you’ve wanted her dead.”
    Sliding off her sunglasses and revealing her silvery blue eyes, Rinwa gave Willem an arch look. “You thought this would make

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