Demons of the Dancing Gods

Demons of the Dancing Gods by Jack L. Chalker Page B

Book: Demons of the Dancing Gods by Jack L. Chalker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack L. Chalker
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction
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the same as it had been. It was
    real, it was hers, it was even totally comprehensible, but somehow
    it just didn't matter so much any more. The dark times
    that had formed her were there, all right, but the good times,
    the happy times, the fun times stood out. She could reach out
    and touch any of those dark spots at any time, but, left alone,
    it was the good times, the fun times, the innocent times that
    seemed somehow forward, filling in the empty spaces.
    The goddess of the Kauri had in fact been truthful, honest,
    and correct. Marge understood now, understood the nature of
    the Kauri and the reason for it. She had recaptured it, with the
    goddess' help—that essence of childhood that adults could
    fondly and wistfully remember but never really reexperience,
    except vicariously through watching their own children. She
    realized, with a tremendous surge of excitement, that she had
    indeed buried the horrors of her past, even though she was still
    and would always be shaped by them. She was new, reborn,
    She burst out of the top of the volcano and flew up, up into
    the night, with a feeling of incredible energy and joy. She
    spread out her arms and let her wings catch the air currents
    she could easily see. Not even thinking about what she was
    doing, or how,-she did whirls and flips and laughed and giggled
    at everything like a drunken flyer on a real tear. The world
    looked subtly different, and very, very beautiful, with every
    single object, every single substance, in clear focus as far as
    she could see; yet, unlike her earlier experience, it was also a
    riot of colors. She began to shift through all the levels she
    could see, and the world changed dramatically each time.
    The colors, the rainbow of colors—why, the whole world
    was magic! She saw below, above, all around, the world of
    faerie, and it was more beautiful than she could have ever
    And now others were joining her, playing, looping around
    in the air. She knew them without having to think at all; her
    sisters, the Kauri, each radiating a subtly different magical
    pattern and emotional register. They greeted her, welcomed
    Page 31
    Chalker, Jack L - Demons of the Dancing Gods
    her, by drawing from her the tremendous feelings she was
    having, and they played, chased, showed off, and generally
    had a really good time themselves.
    They soared together beneath the stars, protected in the glow
    of the Earth Mother's radiant embrace, skimming the treetops,
    then rising upward, ever upward, until the whole magical land
    was spread out before and beneath them. With no cares, no
    worries, they soared like superchildren, everything new, everything
    a wonder.
    She saw the treasures of the Kauri and plucked a beautiful,
    gem-encrusted tiara out of the pile and crowned herself queen
    of the air; others scrambled for even grander headwear and
    challenged her reign, laughing and giggling all the while, flittering
    about and snatching crowns, tiaras, and all sorts of other
    regal stuff from one another. There were forty or fifty queens
    crowned that night, all self-anointed—and the same number
    dethroned by playful, giggling subjects with ambitions of their
    There were toys and games and maddening puzzles, and all
    sorts of fun things. And never once was there hatred, malice,
    anger, or fear.
    They plucked ripe fruits from trees and bushes and ate them,
    often throwing them at one another, and walked on the waters
    of a deep volcanic lake without sinking in. And they were all
    queens of this mystical, magical, happy place.
    When the sun came up, turning the land a new set of colors,
    they went to the trees, high up and far beyond any grounddwelling
    things, and settled into happy, dreaming sleep. For
    Marge, it was a sleep filled with the happy experiences of
    childhood and the best and deepest sleep she had had in many
    long years.
    The next night was more of the same. There was

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