Destined to Play

Destined to Play by Indigo Bloome Page A

Book: Destined to Play by Indigo Bloome Read Free Book Online
Authors: Indigo Bloome
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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masterfully places two drops of the ointment into each of my eyes. As I blink, the room quickly becomes dull and blurry.
    ‘Close your eyes for me.’ I take a deep breath as I slowly close them. I feel a light brush ever so gently stroke the ointment on to my eyelids and they become profoundly heavy. It only takes a few moments for the world to completely recede from my vision as darkness surrounds me.
    What have I done?
    Part III
    ‘Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.’
    — Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ‘H ow are you feeling?’
    ‘A little disoriented.’ I sit up on the bed carefully. It definitely feels weird, like I’m in a black dream. I can’t open my eyelids; they are dead weights on my face. I keep turning my head, searching for light, but of course, there isn’t any.
    ‘Now, was that really so difficult?’ Jeremy teases.
    ‘It wasn’t easy, I can assure you. And I can’t recall you volunteering in my place.’
    ‘This weekend is about you, sweetheart, not me.’ I don’t want to go there again.
    ‘What was it? That you put on my eyes?’
    ‘Rest assured, nothing that hasn’t been approved by the strictest pharmaceutical standards. I wouldn’t put you in any danger. I’m a doctor, remember, I take my oath very seriously.’
    Great, moral standing and access to any drugs he so desires.
    ‘That’s very reassuring, Doctor Quinn, given my current situation.’
    He laughs. ‘Honestly, are you alright? Can I help you?’
    ‘I’m sure I’ll need a lot of help with everything now that you have made me one hundred per cent blind! Are you sure this isn’t permanent?’
    ‘The drops last twenty-four hours give or take. I’ll redo them tomorrow. Let me know when their impact is fading.’
    ‘No problem. I’ll be sure to let you know the second any light comes in.’ My voice is laced with sarcasm. I raise my hand wanting to feel my eyes first-hand. They feel so heavy, so bizarre.
    ‘Oh, no you don’t.’ My hand is guided away. ‘No touching whatsoever. That is why you will also be wearing this blindfold, as a reminder to leave your eyes alone.’
    ‘No way! That won’t be necessary. I can’t see a thing.’
    ‘It is and you will.’ He places it over my head. It fits snugly against my eyes and feels silky soft.
    ‘Well, well, another perfect fit. Did you have it made especially?’ I say jokingly.
    No answer. ‘Jeremy?’ There is a long pause.
    ‘Yes Alex, as a matter of fact, I did.’
    ‘Come with me.’ Jeremy holds both my hands and assists me carefully up from the bed. I forget I have high heels on and stumble a little before I regain my balance.
    ‘Wow, this is really, really weird.’ He places his arm around my waist and leads me out of the second bedroom rather precariously. I feel like an invalid. I am stunned this has happened, that I am now blind and fully dependent on Jeremy for the weekend. It makes me feel nervous and tense, but also excited somehow, not knowing what to expect. My dreamlike state has evaporated so I can only hope I’m not entering into a dark nightmare.
    ‘Here, let’s sit on the lounge.’ He guides me down into the soft velvet cushions. I feel either side of me for armrests but there aren’t any. I wonder how blind people do this every day of their lives? Not knowing how or when things are happening. The positive voice inside me is quietly grateful I had spent some time in the hotel suite earlier. At least I have some familiarity with my surroundings.
    A knock on the door startles me.
    ‘Stay here, I’ll be right back.’ His hands leave mine before I can respond. Jeremy briefly greets whoever is at the door as I sit on the lounge silently like a complete idiot with a blindfold on. I am deeply embarrassed.
    I hear noises of plates being efficiently set up and arranged and a bottle crushing into ice, perhaps refreshing the champagne? There is a vague aroma of food in the room. There is no discussion between Jeremy and

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