Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny)

Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny) by K. Young Page B

Book: Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny) by K. Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Young
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would be handing out several such
apologies that day because she had also demanded that
Meloney be awakened with all due haste. She regretted the
hour being so early, but she had to be assured of Meloney's
assistance before she could do anything. After the events of
the previous night, Kristen's time was running out and she had
to settle her future quickly. As she continued her pacing,
Kristen caught a glimpse of herself in one of the window
panes. She gasped at the sight and swore bloody vengeance
on Derrick if she ever so much as laid eyes on him again.
    She looked like hell twice over, and really, having spent
the last two weeks there, she should rightly look it.
Unfortunately, Meloney's servants wouldn't know her troubles
and were likely to talk something fierce, which meant that just
about everyone in London was going to know she turned up
on Meloney's doorstep looking battered and roughed up, at an
ungodly hour. With Meloney's husband out of town, it probably
wouldn't look good for Meloney, either. Kristen sighed
because if she didn't relieve the pent up emotions, she might
just burst into tears.
    When Kristen concocted this hare-brained scheme of
running away from home and proposing marriage to someone,
she didn't think about what it could do to Meloney's reputation.
Not to mention, if Kristen's life were in danger, then Meloney's
might be, as well. The thought of something happening to
Meloney because of her gave Kristen pause, and she bit her
lip as she thought more about what she was asking her friend
to do. Perhaps the safer option would have been to be
Derrick's mistress. But, that thought only angered her further,
so she pushed it out of her mind.
    She was so involved in her thoughts that she didn't
hear the footsteps in the hallway, nor did she hear anyone
enter the room.
    “Kristen, what's the matter?” Meloney asked, sleep still
heavy in her voice.
Kristen started at the sound of Meloney's voice and
turned to her, running when she finally saw her. The tears she
had been fighting all night could no longer be denied and they
fell profusely over her bruised face. Getting a good look at her
in the light, Chester had the grace to look ashen and contrite
in his earlier treatment of her, so he began backing out of the
room before his presence became a source of irritation for the
lady again.
Meloney saw her friend's face and gasped, horror and
concern competing for dominance in her features. She held
her crying friend and walked her to the couch, then
immediately ordered Chester to her bidding before he could
leave the room while she gently patted Kristen's back.
“Chester, we're going to have an early morning. Please
wake Mrs. Sterling and have her prepare breakfast ”
“No, Meloney, please do not disturb your household
any further on my account.” Kristen pleaded miserably.
“Posh! My household thrives on being disturbed.
Nothing they like more. Now, as I was saying, have Mrs.
Sterling bring me a wrapped slab of cold meat when she
brings in the tea. Be sure she brings both straight away; by the
looks of it we'll need the tea to fortify us. Kristen love, your
face is going to bruise something terrible. Have Kristen's
normal room prepared properly and a bath taken up to be
ready when she goes upstairs. Tell Nelly to get two or three of
my dresses out for Kristen's use and prepare an appointment
with my seamstress as soon as the hour turns decent. Also,
bring me the witch hazel and some cotton swabs. Thank you
Chester, that will be all for now.” She waved her hand to
dismiss him.
“Wait!” Kristen cried.
Both Chester and Meloney looked at Kristen. Chester
was wary, but Meloney was merely curious, not yet aware of
what had transpired between them earlier. Kristen jumped up
from the sofa and walked quickly to the dear butler. She took
his hands in hers and smiled as best she could with her face
now swollen to twice its normal size.
“Chester, I'm truly sorry for my behavior this

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