Deviations: Submission

Deviations: Submission by Chris Owen, Jodi Payne Page A

Book: Deviations: Submission by Chris Owen, Jodi Payne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Owen, Jodi Payne
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up by eleven or so?"
    "Oh, yeah, and hey, I'm up for anything you want. Sorry for the last minute call. I get off work at four. You want to grab some food?"
    Tobias looked down at his jeans and boots and sniffed the air delicately. "I don't think I'll be back to town in time for that." Two more stops, grab something to eat at his place, shower four or five times; as a plan, it had merit. "I can be at the club by seven. Meet me in the bar, tell Bradford I want room six, and have iced water ready for me."

    Deviations: Submission
    by Jodi Payne, Chris Owen
    "I'll be th ... hello? Did I just hear a cow? Or don't I want to know?" Noah chuckled.
    Tobias grinned to himself. "You heard a cow. By the tone of her voice, I have to get back to work before she does herself any more damage. You were saying you'd be there?"
    "I will, and I'll make the reservation. Dress code?"
    "That hardly matters, as you'll be naked as soon as possible."
    Noah laughed. "You got it. See you at seven."
    Tobias disconnected and went to put the cell back in the truck, already working out possible scenarios based on what little he knew of Noah's tastes. The cow and Deidre both bellowed, however, and he had to put the matter from his mind.

    Deviations: Submission
    by Jodi Payne, Chris Owen
    Chapter 6
    When he arrived at the club he was greeted with stunned surprise by everyone who saw him.
    "Sir?" Brian blinked at him as they passed in the hallway.
    "Oh, my."
    "Mind your manners, pup," Tobias said, knowing that if the club had been worked up last week, this was about to send the place into a tailspin. He walked into the bar, ignoring the speed with which Brian had fled to the kitchen and the muted whispers that seemed to spread before him. He'd endured this before, years ago, and he knew it would calm down.
    He stood in the doorway for a moment, knowing he looked every inch the expected presence his name seemed to call to mind. He'd put on black leather pants, but that was his only concession to the point-his boots were normal dress boots, his sweater a soft gray cashmere.
    Noah was sitting at the same table he'd had the week before, and Tobias moved toward him, deliberately slowing his pace.
    "Tobias," a familiar voice said to his right, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from swearing.
    He turned casually and said, "Phantom. How are you?"
    Phan looked good, happy and bright, like a new copper penny. His mop of red hair was a lovely mess, his tiny, tiny body was encased in tight leather pants and a leather chest harness. He was already standing, coming to him, and Tobias steeled himself for what he knew was about to happen. There was every chance he'd have to kill Phan for this.

    Deviations: Submission
    by Jodi Payne, Chris Owen
    "Better now," Phan purred, dropping to the floor. He kissed Tobias' shoes, slithered up to kiss each wrist and then indiscreetly mouthed Tobias' cock through the leather before standing. "Call me," he hissed.
    Tobias blinked slowly at him and turned away, going to Noah. Yes, he would have to deal with Phan, and soon.
    "Good evening, Noah," he said as he approached the table.
    Judging by the look on Noah's face, he had observed the exchange with Phan with some interest. Tobias noted the point Noah made of looking him in the eyes while he took a seat opposite Noah at the table and assumed that Noah needed further negotiation before the evening got under way.
    "Evening." Noah greeted him, looking casual in a comfortable oxford shirt and blue jeans.
    "Was there any trouble getting the room arranged?" Tobias asked, admiring the shirt. The fabric looked rich and soft and he decided suddenly that he would make a point of finding out if it was.
    "Hardly, I told Bradford it was for you and he said he'd take care of it." Noah was clean-shaven and evidently recently showered, judging by the clean scent of soap and aftershave coming from Noah's side of the table. "I apologize for my tone on the telephone. I was in the squad

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