Dirty Sex
them. With seven people, it didn’t take
    long to unload everything. Set up was another story.
    “So you guys ready?” I asked everyone. We were all relaxing in
    chairs around the empty fire pit.
    “Ready for what?” Kerry asked. We all smiled back at her.
    “The Race,” Ryan said.
    “You guys are kind of into competition aren’t you?” she asked.
    “What gave you that idea?” I smirked.
    “The brawl I witnessed,” Kerry stated unnecessarily. “And ‘The
    Race’ sounds a little competitive as well.”
    “They want to race putting up tents,” Reese told her. “You guys
    can count me out. I’ll be the ref.”
    • 55 •

    AShley BArtlett
    “What about the third tent?” Carson asked. “We’ll need to change
    the rules.”
    I looked at Aus for his approval. He smiled and nodded. “Me and
    Aus will do both the small ones.”
    “But we get Kerry,” he added. “Three on three.”
    Ryan, Carson, and Derek had a very intense conversation with
    their eyes. Their tent was more complicated to put up. We were getting
    one more player than usual, but also an extra tent. The conversation
    must have gone well.
    “Done,” said Ryan. “Stakes in the ground. Tops on. Losers blow
    up air mattresses.”
    “You guys are all losers,” Reese informed us. “I’ll go place the
    “Your girlfriend’s a bitch,” I said to Kerry.
    “Cooper, I kind of like you.” Was that supposed to be nice? “Don’t
    make me hurt you.”
    We watched in silence as Reese looked around our massive
    campsite and chose three promising places. In each one, she placed
    a bag with a tent. Then she sashayed back to the truck, found the two
    mallets, and handed one to me and one to Ryan.
    Calmly, she looked at her phone and waited. “Ready?” We nodded
    even though she wasn’t looking. “Go.”
    We jumped up and ran. Chairs hit the ground. Derek pushed
    Austin. I pushed Ryan. And then we were in the clear. I shoved the
    mallet into my belt at the small of my back.
    “Kerry, build the poles.” Austin yanked the tent out of the bag. I
    gripped the nylon so he could pull. A bag of stakes fell out followed by
    a bundle of poles, and we tossed them to Kerry. Austin unrolled the tent
    in my direction and we unfolded it.
    “Where’s the door?” I asked him. “Where’s the fucking door?”
    “Over there.” Kerry pointed. Austin and I each grabbed two
    corners and half walked, half ran in a circle until she shouted, “Stop.”
    “Here’s the first pole.” She nudged a fully assembled pole on the
    ground with her toe. The second was already half done in her hands.
    As we fed the first pole through Aus slowly chanted, “Careful,
    careful, fucking careful, dude.” Kerry assembled the last pole for the
    rain cover. Then she spread the nylon cover out for easy access.
    “Is it in?” she asked.
    • 56 •

    Dirty Sex
    “Almost,” Austin told her.
    “Done,” I shouted a second later. “Hold the center so we can put
    the poles up.”
    Kerry did as she was told, carefully stepping in the open door of
    the flat tent and lifting with us.
    “Are you in, Aus?”
    I bent the pole in my hands until I could slide the pin into it. “Done.”
    “Three minutes,” Reese called out. Behind us, the guys were
    feeding their first pole through. They had three times as many poles to
    work with. We got our second pole in. All three of us started tying the
    tent to the pole. Three corners done.
    “I got the last one and the stakes. You guys get the cover.” I
    finished tying the final corner and Kerry threw me the bag of stakes.
    “Go, go, go,” Austin helpfully suggested.
    I pounded the last stake in as they secured the cover. We only had
    the stakes for the cover left.
    “You get those, Cooper. We’ll start the next one,” Kerry shouted
    back as she and Austin sprinted to the next tent.
    I glanced over at the guys. They had the poles all in and were
    struggling to stand the tent up. Carson, the tallest, was

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