Discovering Emily

Discovering Emily by Jacqueline Pearce Page A

Book: Discovering Emily by Jacqueline Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Pearce
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Author’s Note
    Although this story is about a real person, the artist Emily Carr, who lived from 1871 to 1945, it is fiction. My main sources for Emily’s experiences are her own descriptions of episodes in her childhood, which are found in her books,
Growing Pains: an Autobiography
(Irwin, 1946) and
The Book of Small
(Irwin, 1942). In some cases I changed the order or timing of events to make them work together as a story (Emily Carr sometimes did this herself in her writing, so I don’t think she would mind). I also invented some scenes and details to fill in gaps. I have tried to remain true to the spirit and character of Emily Carr and her life in early Victoria, British Columbia.
    I will tell about the next years of Emily’s life in
Emily’s Dream
, due out in 2005.

    Renné Benoit has been drawing pictures for a living for several years, a dream come true for her. For
Discovering Emily
, she researched the setting and characters with great care. Renée lives and works in Leamington, Ontario.
Illustrator’s Note
    The illustrations of the house and of the yard are from the actual house where Emily Carr grew up in Victoria, British Columbia, at 44 Carr Street (now 207 Government Street). The illustrations of Emily’s family are also drawn from historical photographs.
Orca Young Readers

Orca Young Readers Series
    Max and Ellie series by Becky Citra :
Ellie’s New Home, The Freezing Moon,
Danger at The Landings, Runaway
    TJ series by Hazel Hutchins:
TJ and the Cats, TJ and the Haunted House,
TJ and the Rockets
    Basketball series by Eric Walters:
Three on Three, Full Court Press, Hoop Crazy!
Long Shot, Road Trip, Off Season, Underdog
    Kaylee and Sausage series by Anita Daher
Flight from Big Tangle
Flight from Bear Canyon
Read more about Emily Carr’s
life in
Emily’s Dream
coming in spring 2005.
    â€œEmily Carr, you get in this house this minute!” Dede’s order rang across the cow yard. “Or do you expect your brother to take your punishment for you?”
    Emily sat up, hay cascading off her. Through a hole between the boards in the side of the loft, she could see Dede standing on the back porch of the house. Richard stood beside her, looking at his feet. Dede had a firm grip on his ear. Hay dust drifted up, and Emily sneezed
    Well, that was it. She’d have to go in. She couldn’t leave Dick to take the punishment on his own. Playing tag had been Emily’s idea, after all. Dede was so unfair
    Emily climbed slowly down the ladder from the loft. The family’s old cow lingered by the barn door, waiting for Emily. Emily gave her an affectionate scratch on the head, took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and headed for the house

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