derive such pleasure
from the attention. What kind of a person
am I? she wondered.
    “Well, I can see you will be no help,” Karen
quipped to Jason. To Tessa's relief, Karen used her grip on him to
press him toward the other women in the group. Even more
uncomfortable than when she had entered the room, Tessa maneuvered
hastily through the crowd to the opposite side of the chamber.
    She longed to see Merritt. More than
anything, Tessa felt a need to reconnect with her husband, to feel
the magnetic pull of his presence. Could she be so inconstant as to
thrill at the presence of a man who complimented her? Was she so
shallow? The idea brought an acid burn to her stomach as she
searched the crowd for the familiar light brown hair.
    Twenty feet away, Merritt stood with a group
of executives who were, as always, fascinated and entertained by
whatever story he told. His presence emanated powerfully throughout
the room around him, his performance spot-on and brilliant as ever.
Of course, Tessa needed the real Merritt, the one who had rarely
shown himself in recent history, and she could not really expect
that Merritt to make an appearance at a business party. Still,
grateful for such rapid relief, Tessa slowly approached the group,
hoping she could squeeze in unnoticed next to Merritt. His look
when he saw her froze her in her tracks, fury mingling with
embarrassment as Walt Johnson turned to glance at her in response
to Merritt's wandering eye. Then Merritt's expression spoke words
that would have sent her stumbling backwards if she had not
resisted the spinning of the room. “Not now. I'm busy,” said
Merritt's eyes. “This is too important for your interruption.”
    Too important, she
scoffed bitterly. Of course his business came first! H e had
important hands to shake, power to purvey, clients to charm. Not
that her needs had ever determined Merritt's availability. When
Merritt wanted to help her, he did; if not, she had better figure
out how to solve any dilemma by herself. Under normal
circumstances, she would not have even solicited his help, so
interwoven with criticisms and judgments did it come. In the
current situation, though, had he known, he would have wanted to
save her. Not that she could possibly explain to him her need at
the moment. Merritt could never handle even the thought that
someone might find his wife attractive. If Tessa told him of the
exchange between Jason and her, Jason might find himself in serious
    Not that the man didn't deserve it, she knew.
Tessa had tried to excuse Jason's motives in her own mind, but she
knew Merritt would not think the man's actions innocent. In fact,
Merritt's expression meant that anyone who crossed him at the
moment might find himself the unwitting recipient of Merritt's
    Even if Merritt might have behaved himself,
Walt's presence would have elicited a more critical response than
usual – the CEO had that effect on his underlings. As she thought
about Pericorp's chief executive, she began to wonder why he had
leveled her a look of such animosity. Did she frighten him in some
way? The idea amused her. Unless, she worried suddenly her
amusement evaporating, her sharp tongue made her a loose cannon, a
detriment to business. She pursed her lips in exasperation; how
could Merritt let Walt affect him in such a way?
    Irritated and confused, Tessa stalked away,
her mind whirling. Merritt's masterful attitude had always so
attracted her, not to mention his brilliance at handling the people
and situations life threw him. Unfortunately, when those same
characteristics directed themselves at Tessa, they came out in the
form of condescension and condemnation. Tessa had bought her
security with her heart, and at times she doubted that she had
received a good enough return on her investment.
    Glaring back at his smiling
facade, Tessa decided that she would dismiss him as thoroughly as
he had dismissed her. He wanted her to leave him alone, she would
leave him

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