Diva 01 _ Diva Runs Out of Thyme, The
ballroom for the time being. We’ll process everyone and get you out of here as quickly as we possibly can. Please relax. We’ve asked the hotel to serve additional refreshments.”

    Emma shouted, “What about the contest?”

    I wished I could see Wolf’s face.

    “Uh, it’s up to the organizers to determine what to do about that but I can assure you that it will not take place today in any event. Thank you.”

    After the requisite moans and groans, everyone headed back to the ballroom. Gossip ran rampant, though, and I could tell people were looking my way. They stared first but turned their heads quickly when I noticed them. I made a detour to the ladies’ room.

    I felt as though my entire body was quivering. Water ran over my trembling hands, washing off blood. I splashed cold water on my face, heedless of the small amount of makeup I wore. The trauma of finding Otis still haunted me, and discovering Simon’s corpse shook me to the core.

    For the sake of my family, I tried to pull myself together, patted my face dry, and took several deep breaths before returning to the ballroom. Mom and Nina brought coffee and bagels for Dad and me and we hunkered down behind my work counter. The hazelnut aroma had lost its appeal, though, and the dry bagel was nothing more than something to do. Dad wisely clamped down on us and forbade us to discuss the incident.

    Hannah sulked while Craig went for refreshments. She slouched in her chair, her arms wrapped across her chest. “I had everything perfectly planned for Craig this weekend. Now my sister is a murder suspect and Craig is going to have to be interrogated by the police. Can you even imagine what he must think of us? I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t break off the engagement.”

    Mom patted her arm. “Darling, this is a good time to see how he acts in the face of adversity. He’s an intelligent man. I’m sure he understands that this isn’t typical for us.”

    “What’s with the pale sweater, Hannah?” I asked. She’d always preferred fuchsia and periwinkle to soft shades.

    “Craig likes me in muted colors.”

    I’d done my share of silly things for boyfriends, so I couldn’t fault her for trying to please him. Wondering what could be taking him so long, I stood to look for him. If he was in the ballroom, I didn’t see him. I did, however, see Natasha being escorted by a police officer, probably for her turn at being questioned. I wouldn’t be far behind.

    Hannah pasted a smile on her face and sat up straight and I realized Craig must be on his way back.

    Obviously pleased with himself, he handed out foam boxes containing French fries and roast beef sandwiches. He dug in his pocket and pulled out packets of ketchup. “Hope I got enough for all of us.”

    Hannah and Mom gushed appreciation but I wondered where he’d bought the food. No one else in the ballroom held foam boxes.

    A pink flush crept up the sides of his face and culminated in red cheeks reminiscent of someone who’d been out in the cold. He wore a black, long-sleeved polo and jeans, not enough to keep warm outside. I spotted the sleeve of his bomber jacket hanging from the pile of coats we’d left on a chair.

    Hannah dug into the French fries. “Yum—they need salt, though. Sophie, do you have any salt in your cooking ingredients?”

    Of course I did. I found the salt and offered it to her.

    She sprinkled a heavy dose on her fries and took a bite. “Ugh. Are you trying to kill me, too?”

    Dad’s face looked like it did when we were kids and didn’t know when to stop pushing his buttons. “Hannah, your sister didn’t kill anyone. You cannot say things like that. I don’t think you understand how serious this situation is for Sophie.”

    “It’s always about Sophie. This weekend was supposed to be about me and Craig. Besides, taste this.”

    Dad took one of her fries and bit into it. “Sugar.”

    I shook out a pinch of salt and tasted it. Definitely sugar.


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