Doctor Who: Ultimate Treasure
watched it go on the external monitor with a sigh of relief. Then he took a deep breath and turned to the others. 'OK, so we lost Alpha's stash. But we're still on to something better -
    remember that. We'll be there in a couple of days and we'll need to be sharp, so go and sleep it off, and no more juice from now on, understand? This is going to be the big one!'
    'I propose a toast,' said the Marquis, smiling at Arnella, then at the others seated round the dining table in the Newton's lounge.
    They raised their glasses.
    'In a few hours we shall reach our destination,' he continued.
    'So I give you: luck and destiny. May neither let us down!'
    As they drank, Arnella noticed that Brockwell, who was seated opposite her, was wearing a troubled expression. Professor Thorrin apparently noticed it as well.
    'Why the long face,Will?' he asked benevolently.
    Brockwell looked uncomfortable. 'Uh, sorry, Professor. It's just that I can't help wondering... about the treasure.'
    Brockwell was obviously unhappy about appearing to contradict his employer, but he spoke up. 'Well for one thing, we're acting as though it'll be lying around just waiting to be picked up.'
    Thorrin chuckled tolerantly.'Hardly. We're prepared for a long search, if need be, but we can already narrow down its scope.
    From all the evidence, Rovan abandoned his ship voluntarily.
    Therefore, it must have been on a habitable world. But the system is listed as being uninhabited, at least by any intelligent life. We have equipment aboard that can detect traces of any artificial structures or a quantity of refined metal at considerable distances. Rovan did not have the means to conceal it from any such detailed search, but then why should he? The only clue to where he unloaded his hoard was his ship, and it was a remarkable chance that it was ever discovered.
    Surprisingly, Brockwell raised another question. 'Well, after five thousand years, what chance is there that it'll still be where he left it. Suppose somebody else has already taken it? According to the Ymerl log a lifeboat was missing. Suppose Rovan used it later to move his hoard.'
    Unexpectedly Arnella found herself agreeing with Brockwell.
    'Yes. Sometimes I've wondered that myself,' she added, almost timidly.
    The Marquis flashed a disappointed glance at her, but said confidently, 'A lifeboat would be far too small to transport anything but a fraction of the treasure. Remember, the search continued for years and huge rewards were offered for any clue leading to Rovan or the recovery of the missing treasure. If any item had turned up, whoever had traded it would have immediately been questioned. There is no evidence Rovan ever used his stolen wealth, and every reason to suppose the bulk of it is still waiting to be discovered.'
    'And we shall find it,' Thorrin said, raising his glass once more, then leaning back in his chair easily. 'Now, enough of negativism.
    At the risk of tempting fate, have you any more thoughts on what you plan to do with your share, Rosscarrino?'
    'Only to restore my family's proper rank and position,' the Marquis replied automatically. 'I shall be able to reclaim our ancestral estates once more, and ensure they are managed as they should be.'
    'What about you, Professor?' Arnella said quickly. 'Have you any special plans?'
    Thorrin blinked, as though surprised by the direct question, but responded smoothly: 'Why, it's always been my dream to found an institute for pure scientific research. There must be thousands of worthy projects currently denied funding because of commercial or governmental shortsightedness. Think what tremendous advances and discoveries might be made by turning those baubles of Rovan's to practical use.'
    'I trust you do not deny the value of the craftsmanship that went into shaping those "baubles", Professor,' said her uncle.
    'As long as you do not deny the beauty in science, Marquis,'
    Thorrin countered.
    Arnella frowned as their conversation fell into

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